fine of (25j). Amendment 1 Any member leaving the city and unfinancial, her name will be dropped from the roll and on returning, ·shall make a pplication for membership. {Section 5) (5) members shall constitute a quorum. (Section 6) Due s shall be (25j), payable tho first meeting of the month. Any membe r having due s unpaid for (2) months, may be dropped from th e roll by a vote of the majority pr e s ent at a r egular meetinf}• (Section 7) "Soci a l Membership' will be ext ended on request of a ny present or past member in good standing who has r egul ar employment which prevents her from attending regular meetings or who r es ide s out of the city ~f Portland. Membe rshi p shall be de~ t e rmine d by a ma jority of votes of members present. (Se ction 8) Annua l duos of ( $1.00) to b e paid with t ho a cc ep t anc e of a pplication. (Se ction 9) All members will be expected to contribut e to our nnnua l art exhibit. (Se ction 10) ~!Tombers will be per~itted to atten.d any social function if as-sessment has· been pa id, or · if there is no as.sessment, the members are welcome to attend • . Amendment 2 A charter member becoming unfinancial, her n shall be dropped from the roll, o.nd npon n.pplying for membership ' sh~,.11 be considered in preference to a nyone else. Amendment,3 Any member's moral behavior tha t is below tho standa rd of the club shall be r utomntic n lly dropped.. (Article · 4) Mee tings: (Section 1) The club shc, 11 mee t the 1st & 3rd Wed. nft e r n oon at 1:00 p.m., f.rom Sep. to June, inc. (Section 2) The first me o ting ·in Se p. shall be the "Annual Mee ting " for th0 repor"ts from the Offie er s and ·standing Oommi ttoe s. (Soction ,3 ) Any r egular meeting may be postponed by the Pres. with the concurrence of the Vice Pres. and Sec. (Se ction 4) Speci a l meetings may be called at any time by the Pr e s., with tho concurrence of the ~ic e Pr os. and Sec. ( Section 5) Vi.sf tors I Day will be the 2nd mee t-