Rutherford, Verdelle 833 NE Shaver GA 3037 ----------=----=-================ Walker, Emma 4836 N Borthwick GA 6456 ----------------================= Williams, Della 3222 N Gan tenbein ==-----------===-================ CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS Article I Name: This organization shall be called "The Culture Club". Article II Objects: The club shall study History, -Civics, Public Welfare,· Community Recr_ea ti on and any other chosen studies to improve our locality and to promote cooperation among the membe~s. . ' Artie le .III Membership: (.Section 1) The membarship shall consist 6f n6t more than (20) members. (Section 2) Names of candidate~ for membershi~ . having been nominated and seconded -at a regular meeting; shall ~e sub- . mitted to the membership committee, ·and ·upon · a favora1?le report, shall l b.e ,elected ·upon ·receiving a majori1 ty ,of votes ' of the me·mbers present. 1 ,sec ti on 3) : Any member whc has be€in absent .· ( 3) ·consecutive meetings without excuse, may-be dfopped frqm the roll by a v-ote• of · the majority p~esent at any re~ulir meetin~.- (Section 4') Any r.1.ember who cannot · attend a- , regular meeting ·· must ·' notify• the hostess 'at · least (24) hours before tho time, or be subject to a