
Make a lasting gift and build a scholastic heritage. One brick at a time. Honor your PSU graduate’s achievement with a personalized, inscribed brick at the Simon Benson House, the new PSU Alumni and Visitors Center located on the beautiful South Park Blocks at Park and Montgomery. Please call 725-8209 to purchase a brick and These inscribed bricks will be displayed in the garden of the historic Simon Benson House, the graceful Queen Anne-style home of Oregon’s First Citizen, built in 1900. The house was moved to campus on learn more about the Simon Benson House. January 16, 2000, and is being carefully restored to its original landmark condition. Honor your college graduate. Purchase a brick to commemorate his or her scholastic achievement. Your gift will last forever. Congratulations graduates and welcome to the PSU Alumni Association, where our motto is “friends for life,” We hope you will return to campus often to attend events or just to visit, and when you return, be sure to stop by the new home of the PSU Alumni Association, the historic Simon Benson House. Tÿô/ k^/üumni {^Association Portland State UNIVERSITY