
Platform Party rVim \7iewel, Ph.D. President Sona Andrews, Ph.D. Prouost and Vice Presidentfor Academic Affairs Sherril Gelmon, Dr.PH. Presiding Marshal Brad Hansen, D.M.A. Grand Marshal, Praiding Oficer of the Senate Anas Khaled Al Saleh, B.A.'97 Hono rary Degree Recip ient \filliam Boldt, Ed.D. Chief Executiue Oficer and President Portland State Uniuersity Foundation Gerry B. Cameron, B.S. '62 Honorary Degree Recipient Peter D. Nickerson, B.A. Chairman of the Board Portland State Uniuersity Board ofliustees Greg S. Meyer, M.B.A'08 President PSU Alumni Associarion Nancy L. Zimpher, Ph.D. Co m me n re m en t Address. Honora ry Degree Recipient ADMI NISTRATIVE LEADERSH I P She1ly Chabon, Ph.D. Wce Prouost for Academic Personnel & Leaders hip Deue /opment Margaret Everett, Ph.D. Vice Prouost for International Afairs, Dean of Graduate Studies John Fraire, Ph.D. Vice President for Enro llment Management & Student Affairs Scott Marshall, Ph.D. Vice Prouost for Academic & Fiscal Planning Carmen Suarez, Ph.D. Vice President for Diaersity dr Inclusion 201 7 REPRESENTATIVES Mania Asadi Zadeh Student Representdtiue, Class of 2017 Yetta Rose Stein Student Representatiue, Class of 2017 ACADEMIC LEADERSHIP CliffAllen, Ph.D. Dean, School of Business Administration David Bangsberg, M.D. Dean, School of Public Health Randy Hitz, Ph.D. Dean, Graduate School of Education Clive Knights, M.Phil. Interim Associate Dean for Research and Deuelopment, College of rhe Arts Laura Nissen, Ph.D. Dean, School of SocialWork Stephen Percy, Ph.D. Dean, College of Uban and Public Affiirs Renjeng Su, D.Sc. Dean, Maseeh Colhge of Engtneeringand Computer Science COMMENCEMENT READERS Jennifer Allen, Ph.D. Jim Hook, Ph.D. Karin Magaldi, M.F.A. Chrisrine Meadows, M.M. Chris Shortell, Ph.D.