
Doctoral Degrees GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK Miranda Cunningham Ph.D. Social'Wolk and Social Research Bridging the Worlds of Hc,me and School: A Study of the RelationalWorlds of FirstGeneration Students in a School ofSocial Work Dissertatior-r Chair: Ben AndersonNathe Associate Professor of Child and Family Studies *Stephanie Anne Sundborg Ph.D. Social'Work and Social Research Foundational Knc,wledge and Other Predictors of Commitment to 'liaumaInfttrmed Care Dissertation Chair: Julie Rosenzweig Professor Emerita in Social \fork ' Rebecca Arredondo Yazzie Ph.D. Social \flork and Social Research An Analysis of Oregon Youth Authori4t Populations: iYho Receiues Tieatment and rY/hat Factors Infuence Allocatiln L)f Tieatment Re.sources? Dissertation Chair: \Tilliam Feyerherm Professor Emeritus of Criminology and Criminal Justice OHSU-PSU SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH *Robin Lynn Baker Ph.D. Health Systems ar.rd Policy Primary Care and Mental Heahh Integration in Coordinated Care Organizations Dissertation Chair: Neal \(/allace Associate Professor of Public Administration COLLEGE OF URBAN AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS *Jacqueline Dingfelder Ph.D. Public Affairs and Policy rX/i c k erj Water Pro b lems : Can Ne tw o r k Gouernance De /iaer? Integrated Water Management Case Studies from New Zealand and Oregon, USA Dissertation Chair: Craig Shinn Prolessor of Pu blic Adminisrrarion *Tara Beth Goddard Ph.D. tlrban Studies Driuers' Attitudes and Bebaaiors Toward Bicyclists : Intermodal Interactions and Implications for Road Safety Dissertation Chair: Jennifer Dill Professor ofUrban Studies and Planning *Erin Katherine Goodling Ph.D. Urbar.r Studies Title: Dissertation Chair: Nathan McClintock Assistant Professor of Urban Studies and Planning Lauren Marie Larin Ph.D. Urban Studies Regulating Pauement Dwellers: 7he Pohtics of the Visibly Poor in Public Space Dissertation Chair: Lisa Bares Associate Professor of Urban Studies and Planning Anthony Michael Levenda Ph.D. Urban Studies ConJiguring the Urban Smart Grid: Tians itio ns, Exp erim entati o n, anr/ Gouernance Dissertation Chair: Lorer"r Lutzenhiser Professor ofUrban Studies and Planning *Candidate for Spr ng graduat on