
II Platform Party Wim \X/iewel, Ph.D. President Sona Andrews, Ph.D. Prouost and Wce President for Academic Affiirs Sherril Gelmon, Dr.PH. Presiding Marshal Brad Hansen, D.M.A. Grand Marshal, Presiding Officer of the Senate U.S. Representative Earl Blumenauer, I.D. C o mm enc ement A ddre s s, Ho nct rary Degree Recipient Phil Bogue, M.B.A. Honorary Degree Recipient \Tilliam Boldt, Ed.D. Chief Executiue Oficer and President Port/and State Uniuersity Foundation Avel Louise Gordly B.S. '74 Former Oregon State Senator Honorary Degree Recipient Creg S. Meyer, M.B.A. '08 Presidenr PSU Alumni Association Sho Dozono, M.S. Portland State Uniuersity Board ofTrustees ADM INISTRATIVE LEADERSH IP Margaret Everett, Ph.D. Vi ce Pro u o s t fn r In ternatio na I Afairs, Dean of Graduate Studies Sukhwant Jhat, Ph.D. Vice Prouost for AcarJewic Innoalttion and Student Success Scott Marshall, Ph.D. Vice Prouost for Academic dt Fisca/ Planning Kevin Reynolds, Ph.D. Interim Wce President Research dr Snategic Partnerships 201 7 REPRESENTATIVES Noel delaCruz Student Representatiue, Class of 2017 Daniel A. Vandehey Student Represent/ttiue, Class of 2017 ACADEMIC LEADERSHIP CliffAllen, Ph.D. Dean, School of Business Administmtlon Matt Carlson, Ph.D. Associate Dean fnr Undergraduate Programs Karen Mrrrongelle. Ph.D. Dean, College of LiberalArts dt Sciences Marilyn Moody, M.S. Dean, Uniuersi4t Library Delys Ostlund, Ph.D. Associate Dean for Facuhy Todd Rosenstiel, Ph.D. Associdte Dean for Research and Grarluate Programs COMMENCEMENT READERS Michael Clark, J.D., Ph.D. Maude Hines, Ph.D. Jon Holt, Ph.D. Eva Nunez, Ph.D. Jeffrey Robinson, Ph.D.