
Fall 2017 Cand,id.ates Paulina Eliabeth Moroy, BA Ars and Letters Jlru Antonio Montoya, BS Mathematia Dmn Kristina Muray, BA \florld language: Arabic Dmn Kristina Muray, Crt Middle Eot Studies Certificate DmaH Mutafa, BA Liberal Srudies SamhAdel Mutafa" BS Psychology, $?riting Minor Monie Nen, BS Arthropology, Health Studies: Commmity Health Education ThaomyThiNguyen, BA Psycholory DaliaMaia Binti Mohd Noodin, BA Psychologr Errclyn Hope Olivres, BA Sociology, Philosophy Minor SofijaArimna Olson, BS Psycholory, Sociologlr Minor SydneyAntonette O'Neill, BS Psychology Nicholc Uu Palemini, BS Mathematia Cmmie Ann Patterson, BS Sociologr Olivia Rreme Patton, BA \forld Lmguage: Japmese Nicole Muie Pa1ne, BS futs md lrtters, Buiness Administration Minor Christopher M Peppin, BA \(omens Studies Iaren Rose Pescetti, BS Speech md Hearing Sciences Bryson A Peters, BS Am md ktters, Elementary Education Minor, Special Education Minor Cmille Peters, BA Communication Studies, World Ianguage: French Minor Quynh PhuongPhm, BA Communietion Studies, Adverrising Managmenr Minor for Communietion Stu&es Ma.jor Brittany Lynn Portef, BS PsychologT Rmdall HenryProulx, BA \7orld Lmguage: Japmese Christine Shalini Rm, BS Social Science MichaelJmes Remiq BS Social Science LeAndrea Inez Riggim, BS Social Science, Sociology Minor 'Winston Alemdet Riw, BA Vorld laguage: Spmish Olivia Rodell Roberts, BA \V'orld laguage: Spmish AdrimaRocha, BS Psychology Kendall Brooke Rosuio, BS Psychology Kaylen Iamont Roziu, BA Communication Studies LymSai{ BS Commmication Studies TmyASmdereon,BS Arts and Leners lawnMreSchlmgen, BS Arts md Leners, Social Science, Psychology Minor Karen Christine Sott, BA 'Womens Stu&es PalomaAnn Sid, BS Liberal Studies, \(/omens Srudia Minor Wmdasigafrc, BS Social Science Sebotiu konard Singleton, BS Biology HuterSmith, BS Chemistry Science Jayce Glem Smitla BA History English Minor Andre Patricia Soemadi, BA Psychology Cody Robert Solis, BA Psychology Jordp Lynn M Stehlin, BS Social Science, Sociology Minor Hailey Dema Steineke, BS Environmental Sciences, World Lmguage: Germm Minor SivaStephem, BA English Dylm Stephenson, BA Social Science Peter Josef St George, BS Science Stephen Andw Stohoslry, BS Science LindseyStreifel, BS Psychology Andrew Sott-Lyle Swmon, BS Biologr Organismal, Buiness Adminisration Minor AmyEliabeth S1phu, BS Communication Studio, Criminology and Criminal Justice Minor Nathmiel Thualai Tago, BS Communication Studies KelseyRTi*ahrohi, BS History \tttoria Giwma Tinisha, BS Social Science, Psychology Minor CodyPaul Tusin, BA Communication Studia ShaynaLThylot, BA Social Science, Womens Studie Minor Smiko Monique Tafor-Hill, BA Commuiqtion Studies Luru Iu Thompson, BS Environmental Sciences Brett GilbertVm Patten, BS Environmental Studies, Geogmphic Information Systems/Science Minor Muucina PapaViente, BS Biology, Psychology Minor MaycdlVillmuwa, BS Environmental Sciences, Business Administration Minor EmilyAnnWade, BS Biology, \forld Lmguage: Spmish Minor H,mah Eliabeth Wadley, BS ArthropologT Gregory Hurison Walker, BS Prychology, Sociology Minor WillowVallae, BS Biologr JoshmLynwaltes, BA Psychology Olivia Joelyn Wickstron, BA English, \Triting Minor Kamen StephuieVong BS Science Meghu Dime Worthingtoa, BS Communication Studies ThromJemetteVrigh6 BS Social Science Emeto Zamora, BS Biology The students whose names are listed in this section were considered to be candidates for the degree indicated when the program was printed. This is not an official degree list. The appropriate degrees and diplomas will be awarded to those candidates who have successfully completed all requirements by the end of fall term. 5r