
- Summ er 2017 Candidates Candidates for Graduate Degrees CANDIDATES FOR MASTER'S DEGREES Benjmin Roben Bunon, MA \7orld l.anguage: Japanese Lissette Cotrillon, MS Speech and Hearing Sciences Katrien Cokeley, MA Sociology David Joshua Famer, MEM Environmental Managemen! rVhitney Anne Gayer, MS Biologv Vmessa Dawn Howe, MA World Language: German Shelby Lee Isom, MS Geol: Geohydrolog, Cmey L Lewis, MS Environmental Science and Managemenr Tomomi Matsumura, MA -World l-anguage: Japanese V/hitney Elizabeth McClees, MS Environmentrl Science and Management Jess Annai Milla, MS Biolog_v Kristella Muie Montiegel, MS Communication Natalie Mae Rogers, PSM F.nvironment:l Scicncc and Management Andrew Michael Sowers, MA Teaching English to Speakers ofOther l,anguages Preethm Sridhum, MA Historv Anne AllegraVeaver, MS Environmcntal Sciencc and Management Liecong Zhen, MA Chemistry G RAD UATE CERTIFICATES David Joshua Fumer, CrtGr Hydrology Jessica Anne Beitel, BA English Dominique S Belafsky, BS Psychology, Sociology Minor Wendy Elizabeth Bell, BS Social Science, Anthropology, Pqrchology Minor, Communitv Development Mirmda Renee Belsher, BS Psvchology Megm Anna Bier, BA Psychology, Business Administration: Marketing Lilly Blackburn, BA English, lwriting Minor Shizulo Bladow, BS Psychology, Sociology Minor Alina Bogdan, BS Science Matthew David Bolduc, BA Judaic Studies Kelly Rae Boyes BS (lonflict Resolution. Theater Arts Minor Caitlin E Boyle, BS Social Science Myles S Boyns, BA Communication Studies Constmtine Raditya Scongko Bratmata, BS Psychology Kua Nicole Breyer, BA Psychologl', Universiry Honors College Desiree Monique Brom, BS Social Science Bessa M Buchmu, BS Social Science, Indigenous Nations Srudies Minor Alicea Mrie Buckinghm, BS Anthropology Julim Alemder Buguin, BA Social Science. Chicano/Larino Srudies Minor Blake A Buns, BA 'World Langu:rgc: Spanish Meagan Catherine Burns, BS Environmental Sciences Jena N Cadwalladea BA Sociology, Criminology and Criminal ]ustice Minor Michaela M Cdson, BS Science Hmna Cupentier, BA Liberal Studies, Biology Minor, ( lrcmirtl Vinun WorlJ langtrrg<: Spanish Minor Hmna Cupentier, BS Health Srudics: Health Scienccs Alec Kiefer Curier, BS Libcral Studies, Photographv Minor Kurt Philip Cayvood, BS Health Studies: Health Sciences. Liberal Studics, \Womens Studies Minor Heather Lee Cellini, BA Speech and Hearing Scienccs Kulie Chrismn Chmbm, BS Psychology, Sociology Minor Chad Robert Chappelle, BS Conflict Resolution Adrienne M Choe, BS Social Science, Communiry Heaith Minor Anfm Chen, BA Marhemarics Bremne Jena Chilton-Eddy, BS Psvchology, Business Administrarion Minor Yuen Tirng Choi, BS Science, Chemistry Minor Devin Navid Christimsen, BS Psychology, Biology Minor Godelia Leguia Cisneros, BA Business Administration: Marketing, lVorld Language: Spanish Mria Nichelle Clrk, BA Communication Studies April D Clalton, BS Psvchology, Crim inology and Crininal Justice Minor Andrew Forrest Clements, BS Biologv, Chemistry Minor Kristin Laurdn Coffrnm, BS Arts and Letters, Communicarion Studies Minor Peter Anthonty Colistro, BS Environmental Studies Angelo Bernud Cornell, BS Biology: Micro/Moiecular Nathm Curry Corrado, BA Art: (iraphic Design, \7or1d Language: French Jacob Douglc Coverdale, BS Science. F-nviron mental Science Mirror Garett Stuart Cox, BS Science Destini A Crm, BA Sociology, Psychology Minor Isaiah Creel, BA Social Science Bremna L Crowe, BS l\4athenatics, \World l,arrguage: French Minor Bradley Cumez, BS Chemistrl, Lauren Drm, BS Psychology Bonnie Davidson, BS Anthropologr Ashleey Eva-Rochelle Dem, BA English, University Honors College, \Writing Minor Halle Aquinnah Deforest, BS Speech and Hearing Sciences Jzmine Elizabeth DeMartino, BS Social Science Toha Renee Denson, BS Psychology Beverly Icela Diz, BS 5o.ial \.i('Lce. Busirre$ Adrnrrirrr.rion Minor Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees and Certificates Pmela NadiaAbbott, BA Social Science,'ffomens Studies Minor Elio Aguirre, BS History AhmedAli Ahmed, BA Mathematics, English Minor Ahmadreza Alidousti, BS Biology, Chemistry Minor Mohmmad Hcsm AlMoslin, BA Arts and Letters. Theater Arts Minor Ali Alsaidy, BS Biologr, Chemistry, International and Global Studies Minor Logu AnthonyAmual, BS Psycholog,v, Criminology and Criminal Justice Minor Gary Christopher Andersen, BA Geography Alfiedo Armmdo Andrade, BA Business Administration: Accounting, Finance, Anthropology Tessla L Andrus, BS Psychology Elizabeth Mae Appleton, BS Psychology Jillim Elizabeth tupholm, BS Environmenral Sciences, Sustainability Minor, lVater Resources Minor Duielle M Aziz, BA English ThomroJ Bacewich, BS Communication Studies Jordm David Bmks, BS Arts and Lerrers Jake Bureiro, BA Engiish, Universiry Honors College, '\iorld Language: Spanish Minor, \Triting Minor Norma Alicia Barrett, BS Biology Jennifer Behunin, BS Arts and Letters, Business Administration Minor 46