
Spring 2017 Candidates Shezad Hossain Khm, MA F.nglish Tyler Christim King, MS Speech and Hearing Sciences Isabelle Klee, MS Spccch and Hearing Sciences Elena Allison Knight, MA Teaching Engiish to Speakers ofOther Languages Brendan Kohrn, MS Biology Naomi Jonine Kotkins, MS Speech and Hearing Sciences Kui Lynne Kozber, MS Statistics Robert Edwud Krmer, MS Systems Science Steve Kruger, MST Gcneral Science Jaboa Shawntad Lake, MS l\ychology EmilyArn Lakehomer, MA English Therese Anne Irug, MS Cornorunicarion Iom-Paul Lmker, MA lVorld Language: Spanish Ammda BriAnne Lawson, MS Conflict Resolution Jacoba Kristen Lawson, MA Book Publishine Shmnon Mrie LeMeune, MS Speech and Hearing Sciences Ju Hee Lee, MS Speech and Hearing Sciences Allison Jom Lemcke-Kibby MA Teaching English ro Speakers ofOther Languages Eliabeth Anne Lery, MS Conllicr Resolution Zhenzhen Li, MS Statistics Asha Lickley-Dore, MS Speech and Hearing Sciences Andrew Paul Longhofer, MFA Crearive Vriting Miguel Lopez, MFA Creative \(riring Rachel Mrie Lulich, MA Book Publishing ChmYukl MacDonald, MS Speech and Hearing Sciences Tyler Matthew Mahone, MEM Environnental Management Nicole Rene Matson, MA Conflict Resolution Tina Susm Manhews, MS Professional and Technical rVriting Jroon Frederick Mauer, MFA Crcative lVriting John Dmiel Mmell, MS Systems Science Gwynne Lim McCay, MS Conflict Resolution Brienne Elizabeth McCreery MS Speech and Hearing Sciences Kaitlyn Muie McDowell, MS Speech and Hearing Sciences Kaleigh Lauren McKnight, MS Speech and Hearing Sciences Benjamin Jmes Mcl-em, MS Communication Stephen Delmey McNabb, MA \WorJd Language: Spanish Joyce La Belle McNair, MS Sociology Rogerio G Mendes, MS Mathematics Mary Clre Metscher, MS Marhemarics for Gachers Ammda Elizabeth Middleton, MA English Jess Annai Milla, MS Statistics Corey Robert Millard, MFA Crrcative lVriting Emily Claire Minnette, MA 'leaching English to Speakers ofOther Languages Stephmie Claire Mitchell, MS Conllicr Rcsolrrtion Jem Elizabeth Mittelstaedt, MA English Cailey Catherine Moe, MA Teachirrg English to Speakers ofOrher I-anguages Kathleen S Molony, MA English Kylie Moore, MA Teaching English to Speakers ofOrher l,anguages Jennifer Ibeth Mora, MS Civil and Environmental Errgineering Zeyud Nroser Mousa, MS Conflict Rcsolution Gloria Helen Mulvihill, MA Book Publishins Sara L Munoz, MS Speech and Hearing Sciences Michael Edwad Murray, MFA Creative \friting Crey Elizabeth Myles, MA History Alexmder Cmeron Nagel, MS Ceography Caolyn Niehaus, MBA Business Administration Radhika Naomi Niles, MS Confict Resolution Mariella Nolfo, MS Speech and Hearing Sciences Lisa Mrie Notmm, MA \World l,anguage: Spanish Andey Muien Nunes, MS Systems Science Eliabeth Erin Nunes, MS Bool< Publishing Ida Irene Nyberg, MA World Language: French Leslie A O'Donoghue, MS Conllict ResoLution CuaAnn Olden, MS Communication MaryA O'Leary, MA English Evelyn Beatriz Ortega, MS Speech and Hearing Sciences RymVPemberton, MS Geography Nathm Caleb Peterson, MS Mathcmatics Leah Plack, MST General Sciencc Justine Cevim Poon, MS Speech and Hearing Scienccs Chrles Loren Rmdolph, MS Communication Dmny Bladimir Rauda, MA Teaching English to Speakers ofOther Langtages Alexia Naomi Robles, MST (lcncral Science Gabriel Hugo Rodriguez, MS Mathematics Elizabeth Ann Rowlmd, MS Speech and Hearing Scicnces Kyle Rush, MS Communication Allysa Kay Saymm, MS Speech and Hearing Sciences Renee Deann Sanders, MS Speech and Hcaring Sciences Nick Smford, MS Speech and Hearing Sciences Chad Michael Suni, MS Physics Timothy Kai Smaki, MS Mathemarics Jmes Curtis Sauls, MS Mathematics for Teachers Erin Patricia Savoia, MA Sociology William Steven Schneider, MA History Natalie Victoria Shamroh, MS Speech and Hearing Sciences Nicholas Miles Shea, MA Book Publishing Chdie Allan Sheese, MS Communication Yumyum Shen, MS Sratisrics Anmt Shergill, MS Speech and Hearing Scienccs Tomoko Shinohua, MA Conflict Resoiurion Paul Robert Shoemaker, MS Statistics Audrey Claire Siefert, MS Professional and Technical Writing Gabriel Stauth, MS Mathematics Rebecca Mdene Stevens, MA English Duncm Chaz Stewut, MS Communication Julie Dim Swearingen, MA Book Publishing Laura Malc Slwertson, MS Anthropology Thiyo Summers trada, MS Mathematics John Christopher Thomm, MS Book Publishing Lisa Kaisen Thomro, MS Book Publishing Nicole Elise Thurmond, MA Conllict Resolution KylaJem Tompkins, MA Sociology Emily Michele Torman, MS Speech and Hearing Scicnces Philip Tostado, MA Sociology Elizabeth Jme Tremaine, MS Psychology Catherine Jmet Valentine, MA History Heather Kelly Velonis, MS Biologv AdamVogal, MS Conflict Resolution Jomine Mwadsworth, MA Conflict Resolurion Krl Wallulis, MA Mathematics Brim McCullochWebb, MS Geology CathlynneVebb, MS Spcech and Hearing Sciences Ximg\Wei,MS Physics Amanda Veichselbaum, MS Speech and Hearing Sciences Willim Edwrd Welcer, MS Speech and Hearing Sciences Vctoria Elizabeth Wells, MS S)'srems Science Erin Kathleen Ann Welp, MS Spccch and Hearing Sciences Kafa L rWhirington, MST (leneral Science VirginiaWightmm, MS Speech and Hearing Scicnces Michelle I lJ7iley, MS Speech and Hearing Scienccs Jennifer Michele Willims, MS Conllict Resolution Lindsay Paricia Williams, MS Speech and Hearing Sciences Emily Akiko Amy lVright, MA English Jacob Scott Yakoubek, MS Speech and Hearing Sciences Kelly Alicia Yerick, MEM Environmental Managemenr Christina Carrell Yildirimer, MS Biology Biyao Zhmg, MA Teaching English ro Spcakers ofOther Languages 36