
Winter 20 I 7 Gradu.ate.s Maysa Naboulsi, BA Psychology, Elementary Education Minor Jmie Navrrete, BS Social Science, Sociology Minor, Child and Family Studies Minor Zachary Robert Neummn, BS f nvironnrenral Science', Ceographic lnformation Systems/Science Minor David Lalie Newell, BA Applied Linguisrics An Thien Nguyen, BA Psychology Dallo E Niemeyer, BS Chemistry Angela Bremne Northness, BS Arts and Letters, Philosophy Minor Chloe Arn Olmder, BS Environmental Sciences Corey Lee Olson, BS Biology Airlia Stu Orosaniry, BS Biology Deborah Muie Otenburg BS Communication Studies, Geology Minor Eliz Ozden, BA English, Ifriring Minor MollyVlnona Ozier, BA Communication Studies Osten V Palmrose, BS Mechanical Engineering, Physics Sully Purales, BS Psychology, Sexualiry/Gender/Queer Studies Minor Patricia Ann Patten, BS Biology Peter Chistim Pee, BS Biology Brooke S Perry BA World Language: French, Art: Art Practices Chae Tyler Petry BS Psychology, Business Administration Minor, Criminology and Criminal Justice Minor Micheal Andrew Pfiger, BA History Alerodria Rae Plw, BS Communication Studies Michael E Poucil, BS Environmental Studies, Geographic Information Systems/Science Minor Amber Lynn Probert, BS Social Science, Special Education Minor Hearher Nicole Quigg, BS Social Science Rachel Elisabeth Raddue, BS Biology: Micro/Molecular Courtney A Rauls, BS Psychology Scoc Dylm Rayner, BS Biology Trevor Allm Remer, BS Social Science Joseph Redwood, BS History Benjmin Taylor Rehbein, BS Science Isa M Bruno Reiber, BS Science Kate Rippel, BS Science Calaen Lincoln Robinson, BS Social Science Gabriel Robinson, BS Psychology, Computer Science Minor Vincent Michael Rogers, BS Mathematics Julim Ross, BA Arthropology, University Honors College JenniferEM Rushen, BS Sociology Spencer D Russell, BS Psychology Sham Paul Rustm, BS Sociology Rachel Llnne Schaefer, BS Psychologa Jroon Richad Schauer, BS Biology: Organismal Jennifet Lime Schofield, BS Environmenral studie', Ceographic Information Systems/Science Minor Kristine CaI Schultze, BA Biology: Organismal Jonathm Scott, BS Philosophy Srah Elizabeth Scribner, BS Psychology Stephmia A.leimdra Sepulveda, BS Environmenml Sciences Sua M Serruo, BA Psychology, World Language: Spanish Minor Rajeev Singh, BS Marhematics Renee L Sisson, BS Psychoiogy, Communication Studies Minor I*mora Arden Skaggs, BA Liberal Studies, lVorld Language: French Minor A.lexmder Michael Smith, BA History Dwin Saleen Smith, BS History Jacqueline Arielle Smith, BS Biologr Justin Souvuloy, BS Biology: Micro/Molecular Courtney Michelle Spmwls, BS Psychology Sydney Paige Swift, BS Environmenral Srudies LieselJudyTome, BA Applied Linguisrics, rWorld Languagc: Cerman Angela Nga Tru, BS Arts and Letters SmdraTim, BA Arrhropology Stella Grace tepiccione, BS Speech and Hearing Sciences Vicki S Truitt, BS Sociology, Psychologr Minor ChristinaT Uh, BS Environmental Sciences Simeon Vmd*enter, BS History Cuson QuinnVolker, BS Computer Science, Mathemarics Jesse Paul Vonick, BA Liberal Studies DuyTacVu, BS Arts and Letters Enily Michele Wrchot, BA English, Vriring Minor David Bristol Waren, BS Environmental Studies Benjmin FVatzig, BS Biology: Organismal, Chemistry Minor CodyDmielwaeig, BS Biologr: Organismal, \7orld Language: German Minor MuVendel, BS Science Suah Alice Westenberg, BA Hi.rory. ArL Hi5rory. Mcdie\al Srudie. Minor Caley Muie Westover, BA Sorial Srience. Spe, ial Fdu.ation Minor Haley Elizabeth rVhite, BA Social Science, Art: Drawing/Painting/ Printmaking Minor Bryton Christopher Wilson, BA Communication Studies Michelle Thylor lWisemm, BA Psychology Luke Gurett Wohlgenuth, BA History kota SueVolford, BS Biology Dmiel Ka-himV'ong, BS Psychology Sma$Tynne, BS Science, Biology Minor YiqunXu, BS Environmental Studies LukeYacldey, BS Psychology Arella H Yi, BS Biology: Organismal 34