
r Kenneth W. and Elsie W. Butler Award for Library tr'aculty Service Mary Ellen Kenreich, M.L.S., M.P.A. '99 PROFESSOR MARY ELLEN KENREICH is the first person to receive the Kenneth tM and Elsie \(4 Butler Award for Library Faculry Service nvice. She has been described by her nominarion. committee as "highly respected and sought after for professional advice and conduct, unrivaled in her professionalism and work ethic and the epitome of a service provider." Professor Kenreich's leadership in the Library has included administrative d ur ies, lacul ry governance, promotion and tenure review, and committee service. \X/hen Prolessor Kenreich first won the Butler Award in 2006, she was recognized for being a leader among Library faculry as well as the greater library and technology communiry. She had served on the faculty senate, been on numerous campus committees. and volunteered for various campus activities, and worked behind the scenes with great dedication to ensure that relevant information was made available to Library patrons. Since then, Professor Kenreich has continued to "be a model of academic librarianship, which requires an adeptness in a key area oflibrary expertise, service to end users and research and service to the profession," wrote nominator Susan Hinken lrom the University of Portland. Professor Kenreich is receiving this award for the second time because she demonstrates continual dedication to the Portland State community. Professor Kenreich received her Master of Library Science lrom Kent State lJniversity and her Master of Public Adminisrrarion from Portland State University in 1999. This year marks Professor Kenreich's 25th year at P,SU. Professor Emeritus Kenneth \(4 Butler and his wife, Elsie'{4 Butler, established the Butler Award for Library Faculry Service to recognize outstanding performance by a member of the Branford P Millar Library faculry each year. The award recognizes excellence of library service to students, faculry and other library patrons. t4