Branford Price Millar Award for Faculty Excellence Hamid Moradkhani, Ph.D. PROFESSOR HAMID MORADKHANI, director of Remote Sensing and \Vater Resources Lab is a professor ofcivil and environmental engineering and fellow of the Institute for Sustainabie Solutions. He is a world-class expert with over 25 years of experience. He has made significant contributions on tackling the grand challenges faced by water resources planners, stakeholders and emergency managers here and around the world: how to be sure there is enough watef to meet demands and protect livelihoods and properties against extreme events as populations swell and weather parrerns shift due to climate variabiliry and change. Since joining PSU, he has developed and expanded a research program that is regionally, nationally and internationally signifi cant and advances the mission of Portland State. Professor Moradkhani is a highly cited author ofover 130 publications, and a pioneer in stochastic modeling, data assimilation, cyber innovation and uncertainry quantifi cation methods used extensively in engineering, earth science and many other disciplines worldwide. In recognition ofhis outstanding works and significant contributions, he was elected to the Hall of Fame of Samueli College of Engineering at the University of California, Irvine, and in 2015 he was awarded a fellow of Environmental and \7ater Resources Institute, recognized and designated by the American Academy of \fater Resources Engineers. He is a fellow of the American Sociery of Civil Engineers (2014), and diplomate of Vater Resources Engineering (20 1 1). He has chaired numerous technical committees, panels, conferences and workshops, and served on several advisory panels related to drought, flood, climate change and water policy issues. Professor Moradkhani has been on the editorial boards ofjournals, including AG U Water Resources Researclt, Eheuier Journal of Hydrology and ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering among others. The Millar Award is given annually to a faculry member in a tenure-track or tenured appointment who has demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship. insrrucrion, universiry service, and public service, and whose performance in the area of schoiarship and research is judged to be exceptional.