
l'' Doctor of Humane Letters, Honoris Causa Phil Bogue, M.B.A. PHIL BOGUE moved to Portland from Seattle in 1961 to open the Portland office of accounting firm Arthur Andersen, of which he was a managing partner. Upon arriving in Portland, Mr. Bogue soon began working to help elevate the reputation ofPortland Srare Universiry and to creare an active academic community, inspired by his undergraduate alma mater Universiry of\Tashingtont role as an anchor in the city of Seattle. He played a pivotal role in arranging for the PSUI name and motto of "Let Knowledge Serve the Ciry' to be added to the bridge on camPus. After retiring from Arthur Andersen in 1981, he served as assisrant to the president for universiry relations at PSU and as special assistanr and consultant to PSU presidentJoseph Blumel. In those roles, Mr. Bogue made many contributions to the Universiry including establishing a Portland State alumni program. Mr. Bogue is a generous donor to PSU, funding many significant priorities, including the School of Business Administrationt Karl Miller Center Building Fund, the Bogue Family Choral Endowment, the Bogue Accounting Endowment and the Center for Professional Integriry and Accountability. The executive board room in the Karl Miller Center has been named in his honor. In addition to this honorary degree, Mr. Boguet significant contributions to PSU have been recognized with a Distinguished Service Award in 1979 and a presidential medal in 2014. He served on the boards of the PSU Foundation, Portland Art Museum and the Oregon Symphony. As board chair of the Oregon Symphony, he had a central role in hiring longtime music director James DePreist. Mr. Bogue also served as interim chiefexecutive olficer olr PorLland An Museum in 1992, helping to ensure rhe museum's financial solvency. Mr. Bogue earned a bachelor's degree in Business and Ecor-romics from Universiry of \Tashington and served in the U.S. Nary for several years as a supply and disbursing ofiicer. He also holds an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.