83 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES SPRING 2023 GRADUATES GRADUATE DEGREES MASTER’S DEGREES Yasin Abulsayen, PSM Applied Geoscience Braxton Michael Adams, MS Statistics Karina LaChelle Agbisit, MA Book Publishing David L Ahlson, MA Conflict Resolution Fetheya Nancy Alattar, MS Speech and Hearing Science Ruth Aldrich, MS Speech and Hearing Science Heather Dawn Alley, MA Anthropology Keir Woden Allison-Bourne, PSM Environmental Science and Management August Joseph Amoroso, MFA Creative Writing Cameron Arnold, MS Sociology Victoria Avalos, MS Environmental Science and Management Tanaka Jeanne Axberg, MA History Sienna Berlinger, MS Book Publishing Keilan Bernal Salvador, MA World Language: Spanish Carlton CB Bone, MS Anthropology Sarah Crichton Bradley, MS Book Publishing Paige Michael Zimmerman Brayton, MA Book Publishing Larissa Brown, MS Speech and Hearing Science Rebecca Nicole Bryant, MS Mathematics Lilian Buschmann, MS Speech and Hearing Science Francisco Alberto Cabre Vásquez, MA Book Publishing Ian Raymond Cairns, MS Statistics David Allan Carter, MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Maleah Cherry, MS Speech and Hearing Science Julian M Cohen, MS Geology Molly Elena Amundson Cohen, MS Speech and Hearing Science Anna Malene Corey, MS Speech and Hearing Science Ashlynn Brianne Crisp, MS Statistics Mia Katherine Cywinski, MS Speech and Hearing Science Jennifer Bryce Davis, MA Book Publishing Nathan Kenney Davis, MS Physics Sarah Qiuyue Dawson, MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Heather Day-Melgar, MS Geography Asad Delawalla, MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Jorge Andres Gutiérrez Del Castillo, MA World Language: Spanish Kenna Dickard, MS Psychology Magdalena Marie DiFazio, MS Speech and Hearing Science Jessamyn Hayley Duckwall, MFA Creative Writing Andrew James Dunning, MS Geology Cooper Edge, MS Statistics Jaid M Eichmiller, MA English Jillian Marie Farley, MS Geography Shayna Rachael Feldman, MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Sarah Kathleen Fisher, MS Speech and Hearing Science John Michael Fitzgerald, MA English Ryan Foley, MS Statistics Henry Foresman, MS Systems Science Erin J Gagatko, MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Alicia Nicole Gamble, MEM Environmental Management Manqing Gao, MS Mathematics for Teachers Ada Iris García García, MS Biology Ryan Goderez, MFA Creative Writing Samantha Castillo Golfo, MS Speech and Hearing Science Francis Isabel Graff, MA English Francis Isabel Graff, MS Professional and Technical Writing Katharine Vezin Gregory, MS Geography Romina Noelia Guanuco, MA World Language: Spanish Ian Kurt Gustafson, MS Professional and Technical Writing Marylin Haidri, MFA Creative Writing Ezekial David Hale, MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Alimah Hall, MS Speech and Hearing Science Jordan Tanner Hamann, MS Geography Krysta L Hamilton, MS Speech and Hearing Science Erin Harms, MS Conflict Resolution Daniel J Hayes, MS Sociology Megan Kelsey Heath, MS Speech and Hearing Science Nina Lee Heiter, MS Mathematics Eddy Hernandez-Corchado, MA Mathematics Carly Hollabaugh, MS Sociology Kaitlyn Nicole Hosken, MS Anthropology Jill S Hult, MS Communication Adriana M Jarquin, MS Speech and Hearing Science Jessica Lynn Johnston, MS Conflict Resolution Aminah Kamawal, MS Speech and Hearing Science Ji Eon Kim, MFA Creative Writing Anthony Vincent Kolshorn, MS Mathematics Dane Nathalia Kovaleski, PSM Environmental Science and Management Jacqueline M Krantz, MS Book Publishing Rachael Elizabeth Lane-Stedman, MA English Ashley Lockard, MS Book Publishing Diana Lopez, MS Speech and Hearing Science Gaspar Miguel López López, MA World Language: Spanish Alyssa Lorain, MS Anthropology Mary Joyce Mass, MS Geology Samantha Shelby McAllister, MA English Tara McCarron, MA Book Publishing Timothy R Mclean, MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Jessica C Mena, MS Speech and Hearing Science Sophia Kalin Merrell, MFA Creative Writing Robert Travis Merrill, MS Statistics Echo Noel Meyers, MA English Scott Thomas Milleson, MS Geographic Information Science Cassidy Rayne Moore, MS Communication Jazzminn Elise Morecraft, MS Book Publishing Kelly Morrison, MA Book Publishing Alexander Alamovich Navruzov, MA History Edmundo Bautista Nicolas Jr, MA Geography Chioma Njoku, MS Communication Wesley Nathan Noone, MS Environmental Science and Management Alex Min Park, MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Melody Sunyool Park, MS Speech and Hearing Science Alyssa Marie Peter, MEM Environmental Management Natalie Jeanne Quenneville, MA English Matthew Eugene Rebholz, MFA Creative Writing Cameron Reid, MA English Liam Resener, MS Environmental Science and Management Sandra Rios-Ayala, MS Speech and Hearing Science Alena Rae Rivas, MS Book Publishing Samantha Rivas, MFA Creative Writing Molly Lenore Robinson, MS Mathematics for Teachers Marisela Rodriguez, MS Sociology Christopher-John Rogers, MS Anthropology Jacob Joseph Rose, MEM Environmental Management Dustin Cole Rozier, MA English Maliea Ruby, MS Book Publishing Taylor N Salazar, MS Geography Nancy Lorena Sandoval, MS Speech and Hearing Science Nichole Amber Santangelo, MS Speech and Hearing Science Amber Elaine Schumacher, MS Book Publishing Emma Catherine Scott, MEM Environmental Management Brittany M Shike, MA English Rachel Davidson Skinner, MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Chadelle Marie Smith, MS Speech and Hearing Science Katharine P Smith-Bloxsom, MS Speech and Hearing Science Emily Astrid Sorensen, MS Speech and Hearing Science Austin South, MS Mathematics Madison S Sparks, MS Speech and Hearing Science Hannah Lynn Spencer, MS Environmental Science and Management