
49 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Marley Elizabeth Bray, BA Social Science, Child, Youth and Family Studies Minor Danlyn L Brennan, BS Physics: Biomedical, University Honors College, Chemistry Minor Kristina D Brightman, BS Sociology, Child and Family Studies Minor Toni C Brooks, BS Biology Cody Austin Brown, BS Mathematics Ella Norma Echerd Brown, BS Psychology Heather Lee Ann Brown, BS Biology Kortni Niccole Brown, BS Social Science Larissa Brown, CRT Communication Sciences and Disorders Certificate Sarah Anne Brown, BS Chemistry: Biochemistry Aaron Adam Bryant, BS Psychology Tristina Desirée Bumgarner, BA Communication Studies Jessica Marie Bunker, BS Science Emily Sarah Burgess, BA Psychology David Henry Burgos, BA Social Science, English Minor, International and Global Studies Minor, Political Science Minor David Henry Burgos, CRT Global Studies Certificate Aimee Burke Fletcher, BS Social Science, Law and Legal Studies Minor Amanda L Burrell, BS Biology, University Honors College, Chemistry Minor Lucas Gregory Burrows, BA Arts and Letters Phylicia Butler, BA Social Science Adrian Manuel Cadena, BS Geology Hannah Cairns, BA Womens Studies, Communication Studies Minor Edward Calatean, BA Science, Mathematics Minor Savannah Lynne Callahan, BS Psychology, Child, Youth and Family Studies Minor Julien-Pierre Etienne Montulet Campbell, BA English, University Honors College Marian H Cansdale, BS Speech and Hearing Sciences Cole Carlson, BS Biology, Chemistry Minor, Psychology Minor Ellis Patric Carlstrom, BS Environmental Sciences Ayanna Tejal Carter, BS Chemistry: Biochemistry Jessica R Cary, BS Biology, Psychology Renee L Cascino, BS Psychology Katherine Anne Cassidy, BA History Emily Rose Cassim, BA Psychology, Conflict Resolution Minor Robin Rae Castro, BS Environmental Studies, Geography Minor Mark Lance Catanaoan, BS Arts and Letters Kristofer Jason Catton, BS Social Science Buffy A Cawthon, BS Psychology, Liberal Studies, Sociology Minor Michael Steven Celaya Jr, BA Communication Studies, Business Administration Minor Eric Christopher Chambers, BS Biology Chance Robert Champoux, BS Science, Biology Minor Mitchell Ray Chapman, BS Biology Tyler Michelle Chase, BS Environmental Sciences Jaclyn N Chavez, BS Biology Joshua Lee Chenlee, BS Sexuality, Gender and Queer Studies Danielle E Cherry, BS Psychology Holly W Childs, BS Science Lani Lai Chin, BS Biology Kennedy Irene Pearl Chose, BS Sociology, Conflict Resolution Minor Kevin K Chung, BS Science, Biology Minor, Chemistry Minor Kylee Kawenaokalani Church, BS Environmental Sciences Chloe Clark, BS English Siena Ilaria Clark, BA Liberal Studies Kathleen Mary Classen, BA Anthropology, International and Global Studies Minor Averie Emerald Clifton, BA History, Secondary Education Minor, Sexuality, Gender and Queer Studies Minor Sarah Noel Coakley, BA Sociology, Womens Studies Minor Mary Cockcroft, BA Psychology, World Language: Spanish Minor Moriah Jasmine Coffee, BA Applied Linguistics, World Language: Spanish Minor Moriah Jasmine Coffee, CRT Teaching English as a Second Language Certificate Madison Cogo, BS Biology Molly E Cohen, CRT Communication Sciences and Disorders Certificate David Timothy Cohoe, BS Physics, Mathematics Ethan Vance Colburn, BS Social Science, Sociology Minor Megan R Colley, BS Environmental Sciences Tyler James Wesley Collins, BA Applied Linguistics Tyler James Wesley Collins, CRT Teaching English as a Second Language Certificate Gudelia Contreras Flores, BA World Language: Spanish, Black Studies Minor Gudelia Contreras Flores, CRT World Language Pedagogy Certificate Natalie Anne Conway, BS English Anna M Cools, BA English, Writing Minor Chayse Cope, BS Speech and Hearing Sciences Melissa Leigh Copeland, BA Communication Studies Taylor Lee Mychele Corbin, BS Psychology Michael Joseph Corona, BS Chemistry: Biochemistry Francisco S Cortez, BS English, Liberal Studies, Writing Minor Virginia Jean Cotton, BS Biology Juliana Court, BS Social Science Carli J Cox, BS Psychology, University Honors College Ashlynn Brianne Crisp, BS Mathematics Avery Madison Crowell, BA Sociology Skyler Alexa Crowell, BA Anthropology Emily E Crusick, BS Communication Studies, English Minor Mirtill Eszter Csikos, BA Psychology, University Honors College, Law and Legal Studies Minor Bruna M Cucolo, BA Arts and Letters, Writing Minor Giancarlo Cueva, BS Chemistry: Biochemistry Jack Clifford Cummings, BS Psychology Jack Clifford Cummings, CRT Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship Certificate Sarah I Cummings, BS Social Science, Art: Art Practices Jacob Dale, BS Psychology Mark Davenport, BA Mathematics, World Language: Spanish Minor Dylan Rupert Davies, BS History, Secondary Education Minor Leah Christine Dawson, BS Communication Studies Dekoda McKae Dean, BA English, Child, Youth and Family Studies Minor Austin Dearborn, BS Speech and Hearing Sciences Karla de Lima Berg, BS Biology Selena Ana Del Olmo, BA World Language: Spanish, Psychology Minor Maura Darin de Lorenzo, BS Environmental Sciences, Mathematics Minor Labrea Zhane Denson, BS Sociology, Business Administration Minor Aman Deswal, BS Science Kathryn Christine DeWilde, BS Biology Natalie Anna DeWitt, BS Psychology, University Honors College, Mathematics for Middle School Teachers Minor Savannah Kaur Dhaliwal, BS Biology Amada Lizbeth Diaz De La Vega, BA Psychology, Child, Youth and Family Studies Minor Morningstar Csenge Dickson, BA Psychology, University Honors College, Communication Studies Minor Violet Konami Dillard, BS Environmental Sciences Elizabeth Maye Louise Dilley, BS Arts and Letters, Communication Studies Minor Van Khanh Doan, BS Chemistry: Biochemistry, University Honors College Keenan Grey Dodge, BS Communication Studies Jack Dolyniuk, BS Psychology Grace Elaine Dooney, BA Social Science, Arts and Letters, American Sign Language Minor Ashley Grace Dorety, BS Social Science, Child, Youth and Family Studies Minor Gabriele dos Santos Gonçalves, BS Psychology Audrey Rose Douglass, BS Environmental Studies, University Honors College, Geography Minor Unity Edin Drain, BA Applied Linguistics, World Language: Spanish Minor Olivia Morgan Draper, BA Liberal Studies, Psychology Minor Amanda Joy Dugdale, BS Arts and Letters, Communication Studies Minor Brandon Thomas-Edward Dunn, BS Geology Jessica L Duran, BA World Language: Spanish, International and Global Studies: Global Studies Sara Grace Durdines, BA Liberal Studies, Sociology Minor Madison L Echols, BS Communication Studies Margo Lyn Edwards, BS Science Mafaz El-Krewi, BS Biology, Chemistry Minor