
40 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES SUMMER 2020 GRADUATES GRADUATE DEGREES DOCTORAL DEGREES FALL 2020 GRADUATES GRADUATE DEGREES DOCTORAL DEGREES Nouf M Albugami, PHD Sociology Dana Anuhea Auten, PHD Applied Psychology Heather Anne Brule, PHD Applied Psychology Jaiya Rae Choles, PHD Applied Psychology Sharon Stuart Glaeser, PHD Biology Janardan Mainali, PHD Earth, Environment and Society Erin Upton, PHD Earth, Environment and Society Kristen Vroom, PHD Mathematics Education Rachel Catharine Wilson, PHD Biology Hayden Michael Winter, PHD Chemistry Daniel Erik Zajic, PHD Biology Britta Rahel Baechler, PHD Earth, Environment and Society Emily Bogdan Cahoon, PHD Earth, Environment and Society Ahmed F A Omran El sakori, PHD Mathematical Sciences Decatur Mitochondria Foster, PHD Biology Sara Elizabeth Golden, PHD Sociology Sarah Nielsen Haverly, PHD Applied Psychology Michael Adventure Hopkins, PHD Applied Physics Neal Kuperman, PHD Applied Physics Joy Mutare, PHD Sociology Aleksandra Nilova, PHD Chemistry Lauren Nicole Rust, PHD Chemistry Miranda Hope Sitney, PHD Applied Psychology Erin Upton Understanding Institutional, Social, and Ecological Systems Influencing Climate Change Adaptation and Water Governance in Wine Regions: A Comparative Case Study of Oregon's Willamette Valley, USA and Tasmania, Australia Dissertation Chair: Max Nielsen-Pincus Associate Professor of Environmental Science Kristen Vroom Ph.D. Mathematics Education Guided Reinvention as a Context for Investigating Students’ Thinking about Mathematical Language and for Supporting Students in Gaining Fluency Dissertation Chair: Sean Larsen Professor of Mathematics and Statistics Rachel Catharine Wilson Ph.D. Biology Energy Stores and Life-History Transitions in Red-Sided Garter Snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) Dissertation Chair: Deborah Lutterschmidt Associate Professor of Biology Hayden Winter Ph.D. Chemistry Synthesis and Assessment of RadiotherapyEnhancing Nanoparticles Dissertation Chair: Andrea Goforth Associate Professor of Chemistry *Elizabeth Melissa Withers Ph.D. Sociology The Digital Divide and Health: Examining Digital Access as a Social Determinant of Health Dissertation Chair: Hyeyoung Woo Professor of Sociology Daniel Erik Zajic Ph.D. Biology No Oxygen, No Water: The Unique Physiology of Annual Killifish Embryos Across Development Dissertation Chair: Jason Podrabsky Professor of Biology *Judith G. Zatkin Ph.D. Applied Psychology Preventing Sexual Violence Through Understanding Perceptions of Sexual Offenders Dissertation Chair: Keith Kaufman Professor of Psychology