
19 Hope Ferns HOPE FERNS is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Graphic Design. She chose this major because she loves art, creating and designing. Art is a source of passion for Ferns, and something she always hopes to be doing. Throughout the last three years, Ferns has fallen in love with the graphic design program and its professors. One week after graduation, she will start the Graduate Teacher Education Program at PSU to pursue her goal of becoming an art educator. Ferns cited her most memorable experience at PSU as submitting her sophomore portfolio. It was a tremendous accomplishment that all sophomores have to go through in the graphic design program to determine whether they can continue in the program. It was one of the hardest things she has ever had to do, but the relief she felt when she passed, she said, was “unreal.” During her time as an undergraduate at PSU, Ferns worked for the Residence Hall Association, she received a scholarship while being a member and she eventually became the director of the organization. Ferns feels fortunate to have a mother who is a PSU alumnus and, is also pursuing a master’s degree at PSU. She is extremely close with her mom and sister. As a student with a disability, Hope had to overcome leaving the comfort and protection of her mom’s house. It was hard to navigate at times, but she is thankful for the DRC, her professors and her mom. Hope would like to thank her mom, her sister, and her partner, Tristan, for their support. She’d also like to thank all of the graphic design professors who cheered her on, listened to her cry, and pushed her to be the best designer and human she could be. COLLEGE OF THE ARTS STUDENT SPEAKERS Anahi Ortiz ANAHI ORTIZ is graduating with a bachelor's degree in film. A first-generation college student and immigrant from Mexico, Ortiz has faced many obstacles on her path toward higher education. Throughout her years in schooling, she has often taken time off of school to work in order to fund her education. She’s overcome major challenges, including language barriers, health and learning difficulties. Ultimately, Ortiz attributes her struggles as a learning experience which made her resilient and determined to achieve her goals. Ortiz is grateful for the Portland Transfer Finish Program and PSU Foundation hardship funds, which have allowed her to continue her education. She considers it a major privilege to go to university and she made the most of her time at Portland State by taking advantage of internship and extracurricular opportunities. Her passion for photography and literature naturally drew her to filmmaking as an educational focus. While attending PSU, she gained hands-on experiences in production and learned from the theoretical ideas that have helped shape her filmmaking practice and craft. Her most memorable experiences at school were the projects that allowed for collaboration with her peers, and the constructive feedback she received. After graduation, she will continue creating, working on her projects and being more involved in the film community. Ortiz would like to thank all the faculty, staff, and peers at PSU, who have contributed to her success and made her time an inspiring, enriching, and welcoming experience. Finally, she would like to thank her mother, friends and family for their unwavering support.