6 KENNETH W. AND ELSIE W. BUTLER AWARD FOR LIBRARY FACULTY SERVICE Elizabeth Pickard, M.S.I. ELIZABETH PICKARD is the Science and Social Sciences Librarian at the Portland State University Library. Professor Pickard has been on the faculty since 2015 and has served as liaison to numerous departments, including Anthropology, Biology, Environmental Sciences and Management, Geography, Geology, Sustainability, and Systems Science. Professor Pickard holds a Master of Science in Information from the University of Michigan and a Bachelor of Arts in anthropology from the University of Chicago. Her work explores the intersection of student research practices with curriculum, pedagogy, and services, and how these intersections shape what students learn. Her current research uses ethnographic methods to compare the effectiveness of different modes of information literacy instruction in asynchronous online-only courses. Professor Pickard received a Library Services and Technology Act grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services for her work with five Illinois universities on the Ethnographic Research in Illinois Academic Libraries project as well as a Portland State University Faculty Development Grant for her research on geography majors’ research practices. “As Portland State and other colleges and universities shift more classes to the online-only environment, librarians have faced the challenge of providing students in an online, asynchronous class with information literacy instruction equivalent to an in-person library instruction session.” says Associate Professor Joan Petit, Humanities and Social Sciences Librarian. “Professor Pickard experimented with different modes of delivering information literacy instruction…but went further, conducting a research study…to determine if different modes of instruction led to different outcomes. Few librarians take on such ambitious, longitudinal research projects, and to do so is an enormous service to librarians, faculty, and students. This research project is in addition to the excellence Professor Pickard brings to her everyday work, assisting students and faculty with research questions, teaching library instruction sessions, selecting materials for the library, and contributing to committees and working groups in the library and well beyond.” Professor Emeritus Kenneth W. Butler and his wife, Elsie W. Butler, endowed the award to annually recognize outstanding performance by a faculty member of the Branford. P. Millar Library. The award recognizes their excellence in service to students, faculty, and other library patrons.