33 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES DOCTORAL DEGREES Sebastian Baldivieso Ph.D. Mathematical Sciences Sensitivity Diagnostics and Adaptive Tuning of the Multivariate Stochastic Volatility Model Dissertation Chair: Dacian Daescu Professor of Mathematics and Statistics *Anna Marie Bergman Ph.D. Mathematics Education Identifying a Starting Point for the Guided Reinvention of the Classification of Chemically Important Symmetry Groups Dissertation Chair: Sean Larsen Professor of Mathematics and Statistics *Liliana Elizabeth Caughman Ph.D. Earth, Environment and Society Collaboration and Evaluation in Urban Sustainability and Resilience Transformations: The Keys to a Just Transition? Dissertation Chair: Vivek Shandas Professor of Urban Studies and Planning Ariana Martos Chiapella Ph.D. Earth, Environment and Society The Fate of Atmospherically Deposited Mercury in Mountain Lake Food Webs, and Implications for Fisheries Management Dissertation Chair: Angela Strecker Associate Professor of Environmental Science Matthew Wojciech Chmielewski Ph.D. Biology Avian Dispersal Networks, Metacommunity Structure, and Bryophyte Community Assemblages Dissertation Chair: Sarah Eppley Professor of Biology Naghmeh Daneshi Ph.D. Mathematical Sciences Estimation of Association Between a Longitudinal Marker and Interval-Censored Progression Times Dissertation Chair: Jong Sung Kim Professor of Mathematics and Statistics John Charles Driscoll Ph.D. Systems Science Fractals as Basis for Design and Critique Dissertation Chair: Wayne Wakeland Associate Professor of Systems Science Anna Katherine Duell Ph.D. Chemistry Analysis of E-cigarette Liquids and Aerosols by NMR Spectroscopy: Compositions, Boiling Points, and Degradation Profiles Dissertation Chair: David Peyton Professor of Chemistry Cody Randolph Evers Ph.D. Earth, Environment and Society Tending the Fire: Wildfire Risk Management at the Interface Dissertation Chair: Max Nielsen-Pincus Associate Professor of Environmental Science Benjamin William Hendrickson Ph.D. Applied Physics DC-RTS Noise: Observation and Analysis Dissertation Chair: Erik Bodegom Professor of Physics Cory Jerome Hensen Ph.D. Chemistry Assessing the Efficacy of Virtual Experiments in the General Chemistry Laboratory Dissertation Chair: Jack Barbera Associate Professor of Chemistry Kathryn Nicole Hosbein Ph.D. Chemistry The Process of Establishing Theoretically Grounded Measures of Science and Chemistry Identity for Use in Undergraduate Chemistry Courses Dissertation Chair: Jack Barbera Associate Professor of Chemistry *Kate Louise Sackett Kerrigan Ph.D. Applied Psychology “It Puts a Face to All the Knowledge We’ve Gotten”: A Program of Research on Intimate Partner Violence Surrogate Impact Panels Dissertation Chair: Eric Mankowski Professor of Psychology Omar Melchor-Ayala Ph.D. Sociology The Influence of Age at Migration on Criminal Offending Among Foreign-Born Immigrants Dissertation Chair: Melissa Thompson Professor of Sociology Monica Sue Mogilewsky Ph.D. Environmental Sciences and Resources Before and After the Storm: Interactions between Tree-Fall Canopy Gaps, Plant Phenology, and Frugivorous Lemurs in Masoala National Park, Madagascar Dissertation Chair: Natalie Vasey Professor of Anthropology *Ian Ruramai Munhenzva Ph.D. Chemistry Optimized Xanthene-based Probes for Pancreatic Cancer Imaging Dissertation Chair: Robert Strongin Professor of Chemistry *Candidate for Spring graduation.