25 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION *Candidate for Spring graduation. Kristi Laurine Atkins Ed.D. Educational Leadership: Special and Counselor Education Early Intervention Referral Outcomes for Children at Increased Risk of Experiencing Developmental Delays Dissertation Chair: Sheldon Loman Assistant Professor of Education Johanna Kathryn Blackford Ed.D. Educational Leadership: Curriculum and Instruction Paradigm Shifts in Large-Scale Educational Change: Uncovering the Oregon Education Investment Board's Theory of Change-inAction Dissertation Chair: Samuel Henry Associate Professor Emeritus of Education *Jing Chen Ed.D. Educational Leadership: Curriculum and Instruction Hearing the Voices of Bicultural and Bilingual Teachers: Using a Case Study Approach to Explain the Professional Identity Development of Early Career Native Chinese Mandarin Teachers Dissertation Chair: Micki Caskey Professor of Education *Jill Frances Childress Ed.D. Educational Leadership: Postsecondary Education An Inquiry into Developing College Student Socially-Responsible Leadership: Ethics of Justice and Care in the Midst of Conflict and Controversy Dissertation Chair: Christine Cress Professor of Education *Brea Justine Cohen Ed.D. Educational Leadership: Curriculum and Instruction Amplifying Latinx Voice through Interview Study: Highlighting Mathematics Identity as a Pathway to Student Self-Empowerment and Academic Agency Dissertation Chair: Anita Bright Associate Professor of Education *Patricia Ann Dorman Ed.D. Educational Leadership: Postsecondary Education Where’s the Learning in On-Campus Student Employment? An Inquiry into the Experiences of Undergraduate Student Employee Dissertation Chair: Christine Cress Professor of Education *Patrick Gerard Eagle Staff Ed.D. Educational Leadership: Curriculum and Instruction Settler Colonial Curriculum in Carlisle Boarding School: A Historical and Personal Qualitative Research Study Dissertation Chair: Esperanza De La Vega Associate Professor of Education Sarah Kathryn Guyon Ed.D. Educational Leadership: Curriculum and Instruction Experiences of Early Childhood Educators Working with Teaching Strategies GOLD(R): A Narrative Inquiry Dissertation Chair: William Parnell Professor of Education Frank Heimerdinger Ed.D. Educational Leadership: Curriculum and Instruction Student Voice in a Participatory Design Process Focused on Developing Equity-Based STEM Teaching Practices Dissertation Chair: Swapna Mukhopadhyay Professor Emerita of Education *Heather Kropf Ed.D. Educational Leadership: Postsecondary Education Title: Residence Life as Learning Organizations: An Inquiry into Organizational Elements that Support Integration of the Residential Curriculum Dissertation Chair: Christine Cress Professor of Education *Sarah Nana Kutten Ed.D. Educational Leadership: Postsecondary Education #AdultingWhileBlack: Encountering in the Campus Climate and the Formation of Racialized Adult Identity Among TraditionalAge Black College Students Dissertation Chair: Christine Cress Professor of Education Keelan Purcell LoFaro Ed.D. Educational Leadership: Curriculum and Instruction Cooperating Teachers’ Perceived Preparedness to Support Science Teacher Candidates for Culturally Sustaining Science Teaching Dissertation Chair: Micki Caskey Professor of Education *Patrizia Lina Mastne Ed.D. Educational Leadership: Curriculum and Instruction Teachers' Critical Reflection in an Equity-Focused Professional Learning Community: A Case Study Dissertation Chair: Micki Caskey Professor of Education *Massène Mboup Ed.D. Educational Leadership: Curriculum and Instruction Perceptions of Students of Color About Their Experience in an Alternative High School: A Phenomenological Inquiry Dissertation Chair: Micki Caskey Professor of Education *Angela Molloy Murphy Ed.D. Educational Leadership: Curriculum and Instruction Animal Magic, Secret Spells, and Green Power: More-Than-Human Assemblages of Children’s Storytelling Dissertation Chair: William Parnell Professor of Education DOCTORAL DEGREES