
Order of Ceremonies PROC ESSIO NAL Faculty Doctoral Graduates Mastert Graduates and Candidates Bachelort Graduates and Candidates Platform Parcy M USIC Portland State Universiry \find Symphony, Ed Higgins, D.M.A. WELCOM E Sona Andrews, Ph.D. Prouost and Vice President for Acad.ernic Affairs NATIONAL ANTHEM Yetta Rose Stein Class of 2017 NATIVE AMERICAN HONOR SONG Bulls & Bears Drum Group MASTER OF CEREMONIES SonaAndrews, Ph.D. PRESIDING \fim\7iewel, Ph.D. President GREETINGS Peter D. Nickerson, B.A. Chairrnan of the Board Po rt land S tate Uniu e rs i ty Board of7lustees Greg S. Meyea M.B.A. '08 President, Portknd State Uniuersity Alumni Association STUDENT ADDRESS Yetta Rose Stein Studcnt Representatiue of the Class of 2017 ManiaAsadi Zadeh Studcnt Representatiu e of the Class of 2017 HONORARY DOCTORATES Anas Khaled Al Saleh, B.A. '97 D.Hum.L., h.c.'17 Gerry B. Cameron, B.S. '62 D.Hum.L., h.c.'17 Nancy L. Zimpher, Ph.D. D.Hum.L., h.c. '17 COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS Nancy L. Zimpher, Ph.D. D.Hum.L., h.c.'17 PRESENTATION AND CONFERRING OF DEGREES \7im \fiewel, Ph.D. SonaAndrews, Ph.D. R ECESS IONAL Please meet graduates outside the Moda Center The audience is requested to remain seated during the processional and recessional