
- Spring 2017 Candidates Nicole Maie Seery MS Education: Educational Leadership ancl Policy Pmela Dime Self, MSW Sociai Work Nathm Rusell Semm, MSV Social \rXTork Ieticia Cmpos Sepulveda, MEd Education Yroh Tushr Shah, MS Ele.rri,:l and Comprrrer Fngineering Matalyn Fischer Shmahm, MSW Social Vork Thylor Jeffery Shape, MS Mechanical Engineering Lydia Katherine Sheehey, MEd Education Jomne Shields, MS Cir il rnd tnvironmenral Engirreering Eric Scott Shiermm, MS Economics Demie Shiferas MSW Social Work Thkayuki Shigematsu, MURP Urban and Regional Planning David Shiryayeg MEd Education Dmiel Rym Shor, MURP Urban and Regional Planning Ido Shoshmi, MS Computer Science Devon Renee Shryock, MEd Education Audrey Claire Siefert, MS Professional and Tech lVriting Nicole Coimbra Sumner Simonerti, MS Global Supply Chain Managemenr Claudia Alexmdra Sims, MBA Business Administration Jai Raj Singh, MURI Urban and Regional Planning Venu Ruby Singh, MSW Social \Xlorl< Dalouy Len Singkhek, MEd Education Eugene Lee Smith, MEd Education Jeremy Tyler Smith, MSW Social \Work Mary Edson Smith, MSW Social lVork MikailaJ Smith, MSW Social lVork Theresa Anne Smith, MEd Education Travis Lee Snith, MSW' Social Vork Ambr Natalia Solute, MA Education: Educarional Leadership and Policy HakmookSon, MBA Business Administration Dongyan Song, MA I.lucarion: t urriculum and ln.rrrr.riorr Suci Andrea Sonnier, MSW Social \Work SuahJ Soric, MSW Social lVork Counney Elizabeth Sound, MSW Social lVork Cmimir Arthoay Sowinski, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering Smuel Robert Frederick Stat, MEd Education Mrk G Stainthorp, MSW Social Vork Rosella Dee Stmley, MSV Social \irork Sue Ann Stauber, MS Early Childhood: Inclusive Gabriel Stauth, MS Compurer Science Heather Lynn Sterns, MS Education: Special Education Brittmy Thylor Steph, MSV Social Work Kerri J Stepisnik, MSW Social \Work Ambyr Rose Stores, MSW Social \fork Gloria Genevieve Stovall, MEd Education Iauren Katherine Strella, MS Earlv Childhood: Inclusive Matthry Collier Stricklmd, MSW Social Y/ork Catherine Beth Anne Stutrt, MS Education: CounseLing Shawna Stucke, MSW Social lX/ork Eric George Sullivm, MS Education: Special Education Jill Kathleen Summers, MSW Social Work Meredith kigh Sutton, MEd Education Kathik Swaminathm, MS Ele. t-icri :nJ Cumpurer fngineering Katherine Rose Sweeney, MS Education: Special Education AsraAhmed Sycd, MS Engineering and Technology Management Vroeem Abdraboh S Tiakroni, MS Electrical and Conputer Engineering Jenny Nicole Thtone, MEd Education Lisa Mrie Thylor, MSW Social \Work Stephmie Rene Teahn, MSW Social lVork A.licia Ianae Teller, MSW Social \(ork Stacie Tew, MEd Educarion Dhmush Thinmappa, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering Jaie Arimna Tiefenbrunn, MM Music: Conducting Adm Michael Tinney, MS Global Supply Chain Management Naga Venkata Muralidhu Tirupati, MS Electrical and Computer Engineeriug Ammda Grace Toma, MEd Education Iori Torres, MSW Social \X/ork Smmtha Lee Torres, MEd Education RubyApril Tomsend, MSW Social lVork CeciliaTim, MS$7 Social rWork Mindy Thuy Dung Tru, MEd Education Natalie Irene Zeno Truscott, MSW Social W'ork Beth Tryck, MPH Health Promotion Nicole Dmielle Tirite, MBA Business Adminisrration Ethelyn LTimalad, MEd Education Elizabeth Ann Turner, MEd Education Rebecca Christine Tirttle, MS Education: Educational Leadership and Policy Ajaykrishna Uyyala MS f le.rri. al and Compure' Lngineering Luis EnriqueYaldz, MS Education: Educational Leadership Ricudo Josi Valencia, MS Global Supply Chain Management Angela Christine Vm Duzen, MArch AJchitecture Srah GVm Kosel, MEd Education Thomro Richrd Vm Klaveren, MS Computer Science Joshua MakVrnell, MEd Education Stefmia Ramirez Velizque, MEd Education Satya Keerthi Vendra, MS Electrical and Computer Engineerirrg BhrokuVenkatumaiah, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering MeghaVerma, MBA Business Administration Helen Veyna, MBA Business Administration MiaCVieira, MSW Social lVork Jake RVieuke, MEd Education Bime Fontmin Viggimo, MS Mechanical Engineering Ccsmdra RoseVigil, MPH Health Management and Poiicy Leily Rosaio Villela, MSW Social 'Work Komal Amitkumu Vinchhi, MS Engineering and Technology Management Nattapon Visespakdeevong, MBA Business Administration Andy CraigVosper, MS Civil and Environmental Engineering Laura Jacqueline Voss, MURP Urban and Regional Planning DmnyMinhVu, MEd Education Thmh Thuy TruongVu, MBA Business Administration Dheeraj ChudVmmidi, MS Electrical and Compurer Engineering Eric CVacker, MEd Education Kate GadnerValford, MA Education: Educational Leadership and Policy Jesse Matthew Caale !(alker, MS Mechanical Engineering PipetWalker, MS Education: Educational Leadership and Poliry Sham RogerWalker, MSW Social \Work ChristinaWall, MS Education: Counseling Vmessa Dawn !(allace, MEd Education AimiA\W'allberg, MS Education: Counseling John MValling MEd Education Julie Restivo Walsh, MEd Education Phil TrValsh, MEd Educatior Jordm Alec Walter, MEd Education Yuedm W'mg, MS Financial Aralysis Genevieve Lima W'cser, MArch Architecture Akisha RVeatherbee, MS I-duc:rior: Curricuium rnd lnsrru(rion Alison Joy Weaver, MS Education: Counseling Rhea DYonneVebb, MS Education: Educational Leadership and Policy ColeVeber, MEd Education Moses MiloVeir, MSW Social Work Jennifer Muie Wells, MSW Social \X/ork Dmiel E.Wentz, MPH Environmental Systems and Human Healrh Curtis Jmon West, MS Education: Counseling SmahVestby, MSW Social \Work Jennifer Ellen Wheeler, MSW Social Vork Jacqueline Fruces Whitacre, MEd Education EricWhitbeck, MEd Education AmyJemV/hite, MSW Social lVork Luke Harter Reyes White, MS Education: Educational Leadership and Policy Peter RymWhitehead, MS Economics Emily BrookeVimt, MPA Public Administrarion MichaelJaywidmet, MS Biostatistics Mmha ArleneViemers, MS Education: Special Education TiffmyVilcox, MEd Edrrcation 44