
--=- Rebecca Katheryn Nichols, MSW Social Worl< Brim Edward Nickerson, MS!7 Social \Work Carolyn Niehaus, MBA Business Adrn inisrration CoeyJ Nold, MS ComprLrer Science Eric Miller Noll, Mpp Ilublic Policy Jmon Florim Normmd, Mpp Public Policl TylerAdam North, MEd Educetiorr Andey Marien Nunes, MS Systems Science Suah Rochelle Nuttbrock, MpH |{ealrh l\4rrragcnrent and policy Joan W Oaftey, MS Education: Special Educarion Iyouoluwapo Temitayo Obidele, MS (irmputer Scicnce Ampuo Nataly Ochoa, MS Education: Specirl Eciucation Sean Parick O'Connor, MEd Edrrcarion Jiyoun Oh, MM Nlusic: Performalce Maura Elizabeth Olcese, MpH Epidemiolog"- Peter Orzali, MEd Edrrcrrion Eric Oswald, MSW Sociai Vork Ethan Ott, MS I l..ril,.rr.rrrJ ( ,'Itfrulcl Lrt necrirre Louise Matin Pah, MSW Social \fi/ork Melissa Renee PaIlin, MSW Social Vor l< Aurthony Jurden Donald palnrer, MBA Business Administrlrion: Fin:uce Ilya Sergeyvich Palnikov, MS (-ir.l.rrr,l I r.,rro.rrn.rrrrl Lnyirrc.rinE Nam Young Katie Prk, MEd llducrtion Robert Glen Parness, MEd Eclucetion Melanie Michelle Pascual, Mpp Public Policy Andrea Pmtoq MURP Urban aocl Resional Pl:rnning Manhew Cotter Pate, MS Compurer Science Thomro Tonseth Patecky, MS Corrputer.Science Aditya Bhalchmdra Pawr, MS LlccrricaJ and Compurer EDgineering Daniella Pearson, MS Ecluc:rtion: Special l:ducation Lupita Pena-Baltza, MSW Social Work Susm Leigh Pennock, MSW Sociel V/ork Arjma Majri Penumuti, MS Engineerins and lechnologl. l\lanagerlent Nicole Jane Perdue, MS Education: Counseling Na-hir Perez, MEd [ducation Francisco Altonio Perez-Bonilla. MEd Education Alex Perez-Perez, MSW Social ril/orl< Kinberly Alice Peters, MSV .locial rX'ork Emily Adams Peterson, MS!(/ Socirl \X,brl< Tessa B Peterson, MEd Educarion Nicole Francine Phelps, MSW Social Work Rakesh Philben, MS Financial Analysis TylerJ Pickle, MSW Social \Vork Alexandra GaIe Piff, MEd Eciucation Wesley Victor Plinke, MpH Flpidenriology Oleg Pogodayev, MS Mechanic:ll Engineering Willim Garett Pollock, MA I Jrr.rriorr: I d.rc'ri,,.ral I e,d.r,hip ancl Policy Athwa Pradeep Ponkshe, MS FI,, rr,.:rl .ltJ ( r)npuL(. I ngineerirrg LornaJo Porter, MEd Educa t ion Kacey Marshall Potis, MpH Epidemiology Bethany Potts, MS [ducatioo: F.ducarionai l_eaclership and Policy Stephmie Pozuelos, MSW Social Work Patricia Suzanne Prenger, MEd Lducatirn Stephanie Marie Price, MpH Epiciemiology AIir Keithly Prioa MSW Soci:rl \ii/orl< dicia Kay Pruir, MSW Social \i/ork Sara Marie Puddy MPAI F.xccutive M I)A Ruben Grcia Puga, MSW Social \Work Phitchapha Pulkroem, MpA Pubiic Administration Mathic Paul Quackenbush, MS!7 Sociai \Vork Kendra Louise Pittmm Quiroz, MSW Social Work Catherine Ann Quisling MEd Educarion Kelly G Raine, MEd Education Laroya Raja, MS Electrical antl (iomputer Engincering Prathipkumar Chakravrthy Rajmeka, MS Gbbal Supply Chain Managcnrent Hemanth Bhradwz Rmayanam, MS Eiectrical and Computer L,ngiueering Srirm Ramesh, MS Electrical and Computer ltugincerine Jcon Gabriel Ruos, MEd Ec{ucation Angelica Maria Ramos-Americmor MEd Education Lindsey Kay Ramsey, MSW .Social lXy'ork Rucha Ranjeet Rmane, MS I le, rric,rl .rrr,l ( omp ,r(r I rrgirrrering Krmmd Muzafar Rroheed, MS Mechanical lrngineering Erich Damon Raudebaugh. MArch Ar ehiiccrrr r. Bridget Katherine Redmon, MSW Social Work Elissa Muie Refsdal, MSW Social \Worl< Chelsea Croline Reimers, MEd Ilducrtion Rachel Reininger, MSW Social Work Jennifer Jem Riccitelli, MSW Social \Mork Keith Duane Fruier Rice, MS$7 Social lVork Zachary Auon Richrd, MSW Social \fork Arne Rose Lewis Richuds, MpA Public Admirristration Oscr Rico-Coares, MA FJu.,rrion: l,lu.J{:urr.rl I crJer.l,ip .rn.l loli, " Ariel Rigney, MPA Public Adminisrration Amie Mrie Riley, MA I drrrati,'": I JLr.,rion:l I rr,lc-str-l arrJ I'olicv Emily funcavage, MSW Social Y/orl< Dina Sarai Rivm, MSW )oLr.1l Work Stephmie Wilna Roberson, MSW Social Work Samuel Taylor Roberts, MURP Urb:rn and Region:rl Planning Eteding Cameron Roberts, MEd Eclucation Adam Rodakowski, MSW Sociai Work James Robert Rodriguez, MpA Pubiic Adminisrration Josue Rodriguez, MEd Education Jennifer Crolyn Cuolyn Romm, MF,d Educrtion Kirsten Romney, MSW Social \il/orl< Debra A Rose, MSW Je nelle Nichole Roskelley. MEd Educ.rrion Lisa Michelle Ross, MS EdtLcarion: (lurriculunr and lnstruction Joseph Michael Rost, MIM Inrernational Management Shannon She'lah Roth, MpAE Execurive MPA Spring 2017 Candidates Elizabeth S Rubin, MEd Edrrcat ion Shyle R Ruder, MA Edrrcation: L.ducationel Lc.adcrshipr ancl Policy Venkara Sarya K Rudraraju. MS fl,'r'i,,l.rnJ ( " np(.'\r I rrg:rre.r,rrg EricJose Ruiz, MEd Fducation Malene A Ruiz. llArch Archirccture Dwight Thomro Rundle, MS Edrrcation : (iounseling Eric Neil Rudedge, MURP Urban anrl Regional Planning Laisio Saephan, MSW Social Vork Shivani Saklmi, MS I le.rr;..r1.rrr.l r'omprrcr I ngir cerir e Arna Salbeda, MS I drr,rr.on: I.lrr..rrior..rJ l,,ro.r.l ip ancl Policy Jose Ricardo Salinro, MEd Education Holly Salvenini, MEd [d ucation Ludwig Richard Salzmann, MURp Urban and Regional plirnning Nancy G Sauchez, MEd Education Veronica Sanchez-Leon, MSW Social Vorl< Samuel R Sanderson, MFA Conrcmporary Arr Practices Rakshitha Kodihalli Sathymuayma, MS f Je, rri,.,l .rn,l C,,rnp,rr.r I.rr;rrrcer rnq Roopa Satymaayan, MS Conrputer Science Angela Elaine Sawdye, MEd EducaLion V/hitney Nicole Schaefer, MEd Education Ashley Ann Schahfer, MArch Architecture Hannah Patricia Schelonka, MEd Ilducation Jmes Robert Schlegel, MpH Heahh lvlanagemerrr and policy Joshua Alan Schmidt, MS Mechanicel Iingineerins Sabrina Amber Taylor Schmitt, MpAE Executivc MPA Madeline Gail Schnipper, MS Eclucation: F.ducational Leadershin and Poiicy Calvin J Schrock, MSW' Social \(/ork Tera Lynn Schroeder, MBA Business Adninistration Katherine Leigh Schwartz, MEd Education Christopher Albert Irving Scott, MS'W Social Work Sydney Scout, MPP Public Policy Priyuka Sebrotian, MS Compurer Science 43