
F Spring 2017 Candidates Sophie Kirscht, MEd Education Jmes Nathm Kirszenbaum, MEd Education SimonJoseph Klein, MSW Social \Work Alena Rose Kness, MEd Education Kelli Grace Knudsen, MSW Social'Work Emily Mary Kokesh, MEd Educarion Eva Mrie Kokopeli, MEd Education Brim Richud Kolb, MS Mechanical Engineering Atsufto Komoto, MBA Busincss Adminisrrarion Jmice P Kostel, MSW Socirl lJi/ork Denis Patrick Krigbaum, MEd Eclucation Erin Kropf, MSV Social Work Aditi Suresh Kulkani, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering Primal Shrikrishna Kulkuni, MS F-lectrical and Computer Engineering Angela Christine Kuzma, MPH Heakh Management and Policy Iaura Anne Frzier Lackey, MEd F.ducation Joseph Laurence Iadd, MS Mecharric:rl Engineering RileyJerome Lakos, MSW .Social Work Nina tmdey, MS Education: (lounscling Michael Robert Lme, MS (lomputer Science Jessica Beth Lmgsm, MS Ld.Lrarion: L-ul i. rLlrm -Ln.l lnrrru. rion Cheyenne Rose Lukin, MSW Social Vork Michael Thomro Lrson, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering Emile John Latour, MS Biostaristics HenryAdm Iauer, MSW Social Vork Linda I*, MEd Education Jessica Lawa Lea, MSW Social lVork MilicaLemy,MA Education: Educational Leadership and Policy Esther Jinjoo Lee, MS Education: Special Educarion Jong Seong Lee, MS Computer Science Kuen Lee, MS!(/ Social Vork Smuel Leeding, MRED Real Estate Development Shalman Ezekiel Lester, MS Education: Cbunseling Edwina Leung, MSW Social lWorl< Erin Fredricksen Levermm, MS EdtLcation: Eciucational Leadership and Policy ZiLim,MA Education: Curriculum and Instruction Kuen Hmna Liao, MEd Educarion Thomo Lindner, MS Mechanical Engineering Peter Paul Linnemmn, MEd Education SudauraV Lithman, MSV Social lfork Brendm Frederic Little, MS1V Social lVork Genevieve London, MBA Business Administration Andrew Paul Longhofer, MFA Creative \Writing Sylvia Jen-Ming Loser, MEd Educacion Thomm David Lowes, MEd Education Rebekah Katherine Lubeck, MSV Social \Work Julie Ann Luisi, MS Civil and Environmental Enginecring Michelle Muie Lumpford, MS Criminology and Criminal Justice LeslieAnn Lynn, MEd Education Frmkl-m Mac, MEd Education Caitlyn Rose Maceli, MS Educarion: Educational Leadership and Policy Emmmuel Maciro, MS Education: Educational Leadership and PoJicy Evan Dmiel MacKay, MEd Education Surendra Maddula, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering Lokesh Astaka Madhu, MS Electrical and Conputer Engineerirg Rebecca M Maher, MSW Social \Work Dme K Mahi, MEd Fdrrcrtion Salih Qmim Mahmood Mahmood, MS Civil and Environmenral Engineering Tyler Matthew Malone, MEM Environmenral Management Kelly Rose Major, MS Education: Special Education Srihrsha Makineni, MS Computet Science Kyle Leigh Malin, MS Education: Counseling StumT Malkin, MS Education: Counseiing Hayley Nicholle Mallen, MURP Utban and Regional Planning Puimala Jyothi Mmdalapu, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering Chmtelle Chiratidzo Mapfu mo, MSW Social \Work Dmielle RMuchick, MS Educarion: Counseling Vmessa Abigail Serellon Mrenco, MS\(/ Social Vork BimcaMuino, MSW Social lWork Byron Muohn, MS Computer Science Jmie Mrsh, MPA Public Administration: Health Kaki ril4llims Mashall, MPP Public Policy Todd Frmcis Muston, MS Music: General Allea Mutin, MPH Health Promotion Culos Julio Molina Matinez, MEd Education FeliciaAnn Mutins, MSW Social Vork Stephmi Kale Manin, MS Fducat'on: Cur riculum rnd lL:tru.tion EliabethMm,MSV Social \Vork Kevin Douglo Mason, MEd Education Julim Smchez Mroter, MA Political Science Shaun Rmdle McAnish, MSW Social Vork Aileen McAteer, MSW Social \l/ork Jessica Muie I*upold McDonald, MEd Education JackieJoseph Paul McFulmd, MArch Architecture Amy Lynn McKinnon, MEd Education Jordm Elaine McNeill, MEd Education Ashlee R Mcnerney, MSW Social Work Kayla Muie Meehm, MEd Education Joel Brmdon Meeuwsen, MEd Education Raul Preciado Mends, MPP Public Poliry Alaina Leticia Mendoza, MPP Public Poiicy Sostenes Tito Mendoza, MSV Social lVork Emily Louise Mery, MEd Education Julia Mdie Michel, MURP Urban and Regional Planning Jessica Rene Miller, MSW Social \Wotk Malea Renee Miller, MSV Social \7ork Timothy Scott Miller, MBA Business Administration: Finance VeronicaY Miller, MEd Education Vincent Michael Miller, MSW Social lWork Miki Shibahua Minagawa, MS Global Supply Chain Management Lynette M Minthom, MEd Education Colin N Moffic, MS Electrical and Computer Ergineering Faia Abdulaiz Mohmed, MSW MohmedAhmed Mohmed, MEd Educarion Anwer Sabal Mohmmed Mohmmed, MEng Civil and Environmental Engineering Megm Mohler, MS Crininology and Criminal Justice BrimaJete Moir, MSW Social'Work Doina Lucia Moldovm, MEd F.d r rca tio n Hush Kailesh Momaya, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering Muia DeJesus Monroy, MSV Social \Work Megm Doherty Montellano, MEd Education A Oneida Montes, MSW Social \Vork MukAbel Montoya, MEd Education Abbie Mae Moore, MS Education: Special Education Jennifer Ibeth Mora, MS Civil and Environmental Engineering Alma Elizabeth Islu Morales, MEd Education Jonathm Ray Morales, MURP Urban and Regional Planning Erin Kathleen Moru, MS Education: Counseling MollyE Morm, MS Educ:rtion: Coturseling Brmdon Kyle Morehouse, MEd Education Jacqueline Dolores Morgon, MEd Education Melissa Israel Mudd, MPH Health Management and Policy Smuel Evms Mudd, MBA Business Administration Sachin Shmku Muradi, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering Mary Kathleen Murphy, MPH Environmental Systems and Human Health DonaldSon Murry MSW Social lVork Rachel Myles, MEd Education Revathy Nraymm, MS Computer Science Tahlia Kate Natachu, MEd Education Patrick Joseph Neaing, MEd Education Hayley Elizabeth Nelke, MArch Architecture JmeyJo Nelson, MEd Education Binh D Nguyen, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering Ngoc Diem Minh Nguyen, MEd Education Lacey Anna Nichols, MSW Social Work 42