
-- Spring 2017 Candidates Brian Tucker Gwey, MPH Health Management and Polio' Connie S Gaudene, MSW Social \X/ork Megm George, MPA PtLblic Adminisrrarion Oml<r Sunil Ghatpmde, MS Electrical end Computer Engineeri ng ShellyAnn Ghattm, MSW SocialVork Negin Ghoseiri, MEng r i',1 arrJ I nvironnrerrrrl I rgirrcrring JoshuaJoseph Gianola, MM Music: Perfbrmancc Hayley Shmon Gibbs, MSW .Sociai Wbrk Bryce Roger Giboney, MS Erlucation: Special Eclucarion Geoffrey Gibson, MUR? Urban and Regional Planning Nolm Jackson Gibson, MSW Social Work Sindhuja Gillela, MS Computer Sciencc Alex Gillow-Wiles, MSW Sociel Work Heather D Glenn, MS Education: (iounseling Lauren K Goemut, MEd Education Sua Elizabeth Goldberg-Hmblin, MSW Social \Worl< Jefrey Raymond Goldseth, MPA Public Adnrinistration: Hcalth Norma Gonzales, MEd Education Alisa Goo, MEd Education Aron Liebermm Good, MS F-ducation: (irunscling Luke A Gormm, MM Music: Performance Michael Richud Goulute, MSW Social \il/ork Emma Nicole Gowdy, MEd Education Brim Christopher Grmse, MS Edrrcation:,Special Education Jordln Alexa Grmt, MPH Health Promotion MukRmdel Grmum, MS Clobal Supply Chain Managemcnt Jmon Michael Gray, MSW Social Work Tonja Green, MSW Social Worlr Ashley Mrie Griffths, MEd Education Matthew Wesley Grimm, MS Electricrl and Clorrputer Engineering Melissa Eileen Grir, MS Earlv Childhoocl: Inclusive Rachel Erin Gross, MEd Education Nicole Leema Guice, MSW Social Work Fuiao Guo, MBA Business Administration Apeksha Gupta, MS Engineering and Technology Management Bryce David Gmke, MPA Public Adminisrrarion Leah Mirim Hm, MSW Social \X/ork Brynn tuhley Hall MS\? Social Work Caleb Rockwell HaIl, MS\7 Social \Work CoryArn Hall-Matin, MSW Social \(orl< Alex Ervid Hallam, MS Biosratistics KellyJem Naomi Hammond, MBA Business Administrarion Elnur Abliz Hanbaba, MBA Busincss Adnrinisrration Megm Taylor Huley, MFA Conremporary Art Practiccs 'Whitney Marie Hansen, MSW Social \7orl< EmilyElizabeth Hmson, MA f,lutrtion: ( urri.rrlurrr.rrrd In'rrrr.tion AmeliaYasmm Patch Huati, MSW Social Vork Shreyo Huish, MS Fle.rri.rl arrJ ( ompurcr I ngincL.ring CynthiaJoy Hup, MS Education: Special Education JemilaAnn Hrt, MSW Social Work Dorit Aviva Hmey-Skidmore, MS Educarion: Spccial Education Isrm Dhya Homi MS!fl Social \X/ork Serena Bree Hroworth, MPH Healrh Managemenr and Policy TimothyJohn Havis, MM Music: (ionducting KimbedyMuie Hawkins, MS Ec{ucation: Counseling Jennifer Muie Hayes, MS Education: (bunseling Briu Iayne Hayworth, MEd Educe tio n Jacqueline Hmnah Heeman, MPA Public Administration: Hcalth Gustaf Cd Hegnell, MS Clomptter Science Mathew William Helfrich, MSW Social Work Alexmdra Henry MEd Education Patricia Ymileth Hernmdez, MS Education: Counseling Vctor Mmuel Hernudez, MSW Social \il/orl< Belen Herrera, MURP Urban and Regional Planning Srah Hersey, MS f du.,rriorr: ( lurri. rrlunr .rnJ lrr,rr Lrcrion Ruth Elizabeth Hescock, MS Education: Counseling CmsidyP Hillis, MEd Education Sophie Abbey Elizabeth Hikon, MS Education: Edrcational l,eadcrship and Policy Guren Steven Hirsch, MS Education: Educational Leadership and Policy Honalr Katherine Hoffarth, MSrJ? Social \Worl< Olivia Mae Holden, MURP Urban and Regional Planning Ardrew Mmin Holguin, MSW Social \(/ork Suah Thylor Hooper, MEd Education Rebecca Tlacy Hope, MEd Education Linda Lynn Hoppes, MS Education: Educational I-eaclership and Policy John David Hovious, MEd Educrtion Ammda Celesre Howell, MURI Urban antl Regional Planning Kyle Patrick Hubler, MS Education: Special Education Dusti Mmie Huddleston, MS!(/ Social \Work Elise Abigail Hulce, MS Education: Counseling Megm Jonell Humphreys, MEd Education Jacob Hunt, MSW Social lVorl< Dat Tien Huynh, MS Economics Crosmdra Hymm, MS Education: Special Education Mrisa Imnaccone, MS Education : Special Ec{ucation Don C Iler, MEd Education Dmon Muk Ingrm, MS t 'lobrl \uppI Clr.in Mrn:rgcmt rrr Rachael Alexis Jackson, MSV Social \lork JoelJacob, MS Electrical and Compurer Engineering Brym NeilJacobs, MS Global Supplv Chain Management AmmdaJagermm, MSW Sociai \Work DavidJaimes, MEd Education Anusha Jaladi, MS Electrical and Compurer F,ngineerilg Mmo.j Reddy Jmnapureddy, MS Electrical and Computer Engineerirrg Erica CuolineJmtzi, MEd Educarion Teri LJumon, MSW Social Work Suah Rose Jester, MS Educarion: Educarional Lcadership and Policy TimJin, MEd Education Lindsay Mrie Johanesen, MEd Educarion Chales Arlyn Johnson, MEd Educarion Heidi Jo Johnson, MS\W Social Vork Lema Vrginia Johnson, MPAI Executivc MPA Paricia Collette Johnson, MSW Social Vork Brad Allan Johnston, MPAE Executive MPA KirbeeAlyceJohnston, MPH Biosratistics Dylm Brooke Johnstone, MURP Urban and Regional Planning AdmJones, MSW Social Wbrk Alyssa MaeJones, MS Education: Special Educarion Mitchell BrymtJones, MEd Lllucarion Thoma William Jones, MArch Architecture Connor ReaJordan, MPH Envircnmental Systems and Human f{eaLrh Taylor Katherine Jordm, MPH Ijealrh Promotion Villim Scon Jorgensen, MPAr Execurivc MPA Neel RajeevJoshi, MS I Iecrri.al rn.l Comprrrer I nginrcrirrg Alexmder Chdes Joyce-Peickert, MRED Real Estate Dcvelopment RobertJustiniano, MS Education: Special Education Daphna Kadim, MBA Business Administration Benjmin S Kahn, MURI Urban ancl Regional Planning Auti Kmalahman, MEd Educ:rtion Seren M Kuuu, MPH Health Promotion Jadie Kmeeualui Karatti-Abordo, MPH Environmenral Systems and Human Health Peter Jmes Kcs, MPA Public Administration Benjmin Kosogue, MA I Jrr.atiorr: ( urri,ulrrn rnd ln.rru. rion Jorge Modesto Kaufmmn, MS Biostatistics Mildred Susm Keaney, MS I,lucrrior': Curri.ulu n arrd ln,rr,..Liorr Chelsea Laine Keating, MPH Epidemiology Suah Hamony Keefe, MPH Health Management and Poiicv Sulrut Prromna Kelku, MS Electrical and Computer Engineerirrg Dane C Kelley, MS Financial Analysis David E Kelley, MM Music: Perlbrnance Courtnee Rose Kelly, MS Early (lhildhoo<1: lnclusive Alysia Khendek, MSV SociaiVork Christopher Muk Killmer, MPA Public Administrarion Sejoong Kim, MS Engi neering ancl tchnolog,r Management Laura Jean Kinunen, MS I JLt.,tri,'n: t ur|i.rrlrrn arrJ ln.rrr,rtion 41