
Winter 2017 Graduates Graduate Degrees DOCTORAL DEGREES Mrla Ann Lmswell Baber, EdD Educarional Leadership: Curriculum and Instrucrion Aylin Bunk, EdD Educational Leadership: Posrseconcl:rrv Education MASTER'S DEGREES Bhrat Addala, MBA Business Admi nistrarion Hmilton Forresr Alexmder, MS Computer Science Tiif Hamed Saleh Al-Jubuee, MS Mechanical Engineering Ali Smeer Abdulraheem d-Smdawi, MEng Cir il and Lrrr ironnrerrrcl j-rrgineerint Ahmed Shehab Ahmed Al-Shareef, MS Engineering and Technology Managemenr Sneha Veronica Amdapudi, MS Computer Science 'Wism Amer Aules, MEng (-i' rl :nd Lnvirorrmenr.rl I-rrgineering Andrew John Bagnato, MPA Public Admioistration MelodyBmdlmudi, MS Corlputer Science Jema Ciraolo Bellows, MPH Primary Health Care and Health Disparities Thylor Bendt, MS Electricai and Computcr Engineering Binata Bhattacharyya, MS Elcctrical and Compurer Engineering Chelsee Mrie Blatner, MS Education: Educational Leadership and Policy Donald Spencer Bourne, MPH Epidemiology Jessica C Bull, MPA Public Aclm i nistration Yun Cai, MIM International Management Thongphat Gordon Chen, MS Mechanical Engineering Alekhya Cherukui, MS Electrical and Computcr Engineering Adrim Relcs Cru, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering Patrick Michael Davis, MEng Civil and Envi ronmental Engineering 'Wade Richud Dinius, MS Clobal Supply Chain Management Bruce J. Dudley, MPH Primary Health Care and Healrh Disparities SconJ Fabini, MS Compurer Science ChengFmg, MIM International Managemenr Jeba Fuhma, MS Elecrrical and Computer Engineering Ramiro Andres Gabriel Buaez Gallardo, PhD Civil and Environ menral Engineering Steven Robert Gehrke, PhD Civil and Environmcntal Engineerirrg Kelly Elizabeth Frmz, MS fle,rri.,rl rrrd Compr"e, Lngirreering Rachel Ganble, MS I drr.rrion: ( urriculum "rrd lrrrrru.rion Shilo Mmdy George, MS Education: Educational Leadership and Policy Bharath Reddy Godi, MS i-le. tri.rl and Conrpun r Lngineering Atousa Gorg, MEng Cir il :rrJ Envirnn.nerrrrl Frrgineering Ali Hafiz, MEng Ciril :nd I nrirorrnenr.rl I-ngineering Alawaleed Hmeed, MEng t-tr'l ard Lnrironmerrral fngirrecrirrg BethmyAlyssa Hmey, MPH Prinary Health Care and Healrh l)isparities MaryY-MengHeng, MBA Business Administration Cathy Heslin, MBA Business Administration Megm Hinrichs, MS Edu.arion: ( ulriculum rnd ln,rrrrrrion Teresa Huntsinger, MS ( ivil "n.l Frrrironmenrrl Lngineerirg Preethi Jaismkr, MS Financial Analysis Nicolm Johnson, MS Mcchanical Engineering MalingrayaJyoti, MS Electrical and Compurer Engineering Arti Raikuma Kalkote, MS Electrical and Computer Engineerirrg Smdra M Kednay, MS t 'lobal :uppli Ch.rin Mrnagenrerr Laurie Elizabeth Kelly, MBA Business Adminisrration Michelle H Anne Kennedy, MS Education: Educational Leadership and Policy Edwrd Alm King, MS Elecrrical and Computer Engineerirg Nishanth Kondabolu, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering Sem David Koppenhafer, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering Yuriy Krushelnitskiy, MS Computer Sciencc Yechin Lee, MBA Business Administratior Meng Lei, MS Electrical and Computer Engineerirrg Jing Li, MS Financial Analvsis Iauren Mrie Luin, PhD Urban Studies Disha Puri, PhD Computer Science Qi Li, MS Financial Analysis Ashe Vola Lyon, MPH Primary Health Care and Health Disp:rrities Useni Buengoe Makuo, MA Education: Educational Leadership and Policy Radhika Anil Mmdlekr, MS Llccrri,al and ( nmpur.r l-rrgineering Hope C McCaffrey, MM Music: Performance John Bryg McCloskey MBA Business Administrarion: Finance Glory McDonald, MS Lrlucrrion: Currirulum :rrd Inrrru.rion Ashwini Tma.ii Memme, MS Llecrri.al and Compurcr l-rrgirreering ArthonyJ Morrell, MS Llobal Sgpplv ( hril MJn:rgemenr Brmdon Allen Mousseau, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering Nicholo Reid Halvad Munch, MBA Business Administration Metcedes Munoz, MS Education: Special Education Auon Nmh, MS Computer Science Nicole Frmcis Ovregard, MPH Epidemiology Prashmthi Reddy Pamkuda, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering Ymlong Pm, MS Mechanical Engineering Amith Shripad Pmdit, MS Electrical and Compurer Engineering Prasad Iamikmt Pmdit, MS Electrical and Compurer Engineering AlexJoseph Peuson, MS Elecrrical and Computer Engineering Tyler Rickey Pegg, MBA Busincss Administration: Finance Nate Raynor, MRED Real Estace Development Shymna Muie Reycs, MS Education: Educational Leadership and Policy David Michael Rogers, MS GlobaJ Supply Chain Management MrkA Rym, MEng Engineering Management: Pro ject Management Yadnesh Nitin Smmt, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering Erich Reinhudt Schafermeyer, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering Guimin Thng, EdD Educational Leadership: Curriculum and ]nstruction QingYi, PhD Computer Science Kristopher Stephen Scheiblauer, MS Fl,trrirrl rnd ( onrprrrer fnginte-irrg Muissa Schillaci-Ka1ton, MPH Health Managemcnt and Policy Deborah E Scott, MRED Real Estate l)evelopment Sarah Scott, MS Ldrcation: Educarional Leadership arrd Policy Ercto Onymgo Sedda, MBA Business Adminisrration Vijay Ballagere Siddalingiah, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering Ethan Cole Snyder, MPP Public Policy Jirying Song, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering Mackenzie Spencer, MS Education: Special Education Rmdon Gene Stroney, MS Electrical and Computer Engineerirrg Marc Stephen Strabic, MRED Real Esrate Development Swetha Venkatachari Sundaajm, MS (lompurer Science Thomu KingTimdy, MPH Epidemiology Jennifer Thompson, MITLD Real Estate Development Melia Hadidim Tichenor, MS Lducation: Educational l-eadcrship and Policy Sarah MarieVm Glubt, MS Civil and Environmental Enginerrirrg Vidhya Lalshmi Venkatarma, MS Computer Science Nhi Thi ThuyVu, MPA Public Administration: Health Alexis Wirmm, MS EnEqinecring and TLchnologv Management Hao rW'u, MS Compurer Science YaliYmg,MA Education: Educational Leadership and Policy Im Bayne Zabel, MS Mechanical Engineering Yue Zhu, MIM Internarional Managemenr 35