
George C. Hoffmann Award for F aculty Excellence Franz Rad, Ph.D. Professor Franz Rad is described as the architect, builder and academic leader ofcivil engineering at Portland State. \With 46 years of service at the Universiry including 22 as department chair, he was a significant leader in establishing the program, the department, and the Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science, Professor Rad developed 13 courses and taught 17 in the Civil and Environmenral Engineering Department. He secured funding and helped build many of the fundamental labs still in use, wrore the proposal for the Ph.D. program, and played a key role in the vision and funding of the new engineering building. Professor Rad's dedication and service record includes seven years on the Faculry Senare. as well as universiry and departmental committees. His commirment ro education is demonstrated by his creation and fundir.rg of a $75,000 endowed scholarship for Civil and Environmental Engineering srudenrs. Important and active scholarship is another piece ofProfessor Radt distinguished career. He has over 90 publications in journals, proceedings, and technical reporrs. Professor Rad was the recipient of the first Arthur M. James Professor of Structural Engineering endowed professorship, elected to the Academy of Distinguished Alumni at the University ofTexas at Austin, and selected Engineer of the Year by the American Sociery of Civil Engineers (Oregon Section) in2002. His work in seismic hazards of building in Portland contributed significantly to building safery in the region and laid a solid foundation for the development of a few statewide earthq uake salcry policies. The Hoffmann Award is given annually to a faculry member in recognition of distinguished contributions to the Universiry in the areas of instruction, university service, and scholarship which are done in the spirit of humanism, civility, and collegialiry with particular dedication to students and loyalry to the Universiryvalues especially cherished by the late George C. Hoffmann, a distinguished dean and professor ofhistory at Portland State Universiry. itli