
George C. Hoffmann Award for F aculty Excellence Wayne Waheland, Ph.D. '77 PRoFESSOR WAYNE WAKELAND has been a faculry member in the System Science Program since 1978, and is no stranger to awards. He has received teaching awards from the Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science and, four times, from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and student evaluations of Professor tVakeland are consistently high. Professor tX/akeland is recognized for revising curriculum to strengthen support for University Studies and the School ofthe Environment, and to enhance program contributions to the PSU mission. Professor \Takeland developed l2 unique graduate courses at PSU, four collaboratively with faculty in other departments; five of these courses continue to be offered regularly. He employs the latest simulation technologies, and new online and hybrid teaching methods, includi ng learner-d i recred activiries to complement lectures. He routinely teaches more than his obligated teaching load, out ofenthusiasm for the subject matter, to meet curricular needs, and to foster campus collaboration. Since 2003, Professor \Wakeland has established a solid publication record with 83 peer-reviewed papers, an average ofnearly six papers per year. Of these papers,24lie in the applications area of organizational processesr 16 in biomedical dynamics, 16 in sustainability, 16 in health policy, and 11 regarding simulation and optimization methods. Professor \(akeland's scholarship has been generously supported by external research funding. Since 2003, he has served as principal investigaror or co-principal investigator on 10 granrs lrom governmenr agencies. including National Institutes of Health and NASA, private foundations, and corporare sources totaling $1.6 million. His scholarship was also supported by $58,000 in internal funding. Given Professor lWakelandt extraordinary contributions in instruction and service, his contributions in the area ofscholarship are even more remarkable. The Hoffmann Award is given annually to a faculry member in recognition of distinguished contributions to the University in the areas of insr ruction. universiry service, and scholarship which are done in the spirit of humanism, civiliry and collegialiry with particular dedication to students and loyalry to the Universiryvalues especially cherished by the late George C. Hoffrnann, a distinguished dean and professor ofhistory at Portland State Universiry.