
Academic Costume One of the most colorful features of the academic procession is the appearance ofgraduates, faculry and guests ofthe Universiry in lull academic cosrume. The design of the gown, the color of the tassel on the cap, and the parrern, length, and colors ofthe hood all have long histories and special significance. American universities, unlike those ofEngland and Europe, have adopted a srandard code oFacademic cosrume. According to the code, the bachelor's gown worn by Portland State Universiry graduating seniors has straight sleeves and is worn closed. Gold, silver, and green cords are worn by honors graduates. The mastert gown has long, pointed sleeves with the forearm being seen through a slit at the elbow of the sleeves. The docror's gown is faced with velvet and has bell-shaped sleeves. Each sleeve carries three bars ofvelvet. The tassel on the cap indicates by color the college or school conferring the degree. In addition to the cap and gown, candidates for advanced degrees wear the academic hood, the traditional garmenr signif ing high scholarly attainment. The doctoral hood carries the colors ofthe college or school conferring the degree on the outside and PSUs colors of green and white on the inside. One legend, which deals with the origin of the cap and gown, reveals that a venerable teacher in ancient Greece promised wealthy parenrs that their sons would be "appropriately dressed" when presented at a banquet honoring the completion of their academic studies. However, when the young men entered the banquet hall dressed in simple sackcloth robes and carrying mortar boards, the mark of common workmen, a startled cry arose from the audience. "Let me explain," said the teacher as he raised his hands for silence. "Your sons are dressed in clothing of the mason, for their destiny is to build. Some will build cities, some will build lives-perhaps one of them may even build an empire. But all will be builders on the solid foundation of knowledge." Bachelor and Tassel / Hood Master Degrees Color Liberal Arts and 5ciences Arts.... .......White Sciences. ,.......Gold Business Adm inistration . . Drab Education ..,..LightBlue Engineering. Fine and Performing Arts . . . Orange , , . Brown Blue-Violet Architecture Public Health..... ... Salmon Pink SocialWork. .....,Citron Urban and PublicAffalrs ......Peacock Blue Doctoral Degrees Tassel / Hood Color Doctor of Philosophy .Dark Blue Hood Gold Tassel Doctor of Philosophy in Health Systems and Policy,,salmon Pink Hood Doctor of Education. Gold Tassei Light Blue Hood Gold Tassel Faculty Excellence and Achievement Awards SPONSORED BY THE EMBASSY OF Portland State University and the Portland State University Foundation are pleased ro announce that this yeart faculty excellence and achievement awards are sponsored by the Embassy of the State of Qatar, thanks to its ambassador and PSU alumnus Mohammed Al Kuwari '80 political science. THE STATE OF QATAR The Branford Price Millar, George C. HolTrnann, Kenneth W. and Elsie \( Butler, and Mary H. Cumpston Awards and the Research Faculry Excellence Awards are presented annually to recognize PSU faculty members for their contributions to the Universiry. The Philanthropic Leadership Award and rhe Philanrhropic Cultivarion Award were established by the Portland State Universiry Foundation to help recognize and support faculty for their work to build and promore a culture of philanthropy at Portland State.