
Thank you for your commitment to campus Rec and smith Memorial Student Union, and for creating an environment that Deborah Catanese Harriet Cuttler Mahija Datiparthi Jesse Debord David Etlis Leilani Freeman Alex Greenwald Anahita Javadpour Mingyue Jiang inspires, empowers and educates. Campus Rec Haley Jones Adam King Shaytee King Sarah Kuhn Witla Lineberger- Schotl Chiara Nicastro Kai Nodera Veronrque Nyounai-Herrera Sydney O'Neilt Luke Scheuermann Logan Banning Shaughnessy Ket Smlth Yetta Stein Torr Thomason Sabrina Wilken James Wilson Mark Yakubovich Smith Memorial Student Union Operations Jed Pagtulingan Ajaykrishna Uyyata & Portlan$,$l-qlq Stay activel PSU alumni are eligible for Campus Rec memberships. Learn more at pdx.edu/recreation/membership. Keisha Mateo Mubark Mebrat