
Irr Spring 2017 Candidates Caleb Nathmael Senner, Crt Internarional Business Studies Cerrificate Any Lorraine Seufert, BS Biologv, Space and Planetary Science Minor Jessica Shamek, BS Biology Argela Dawn Shaw, BS Chemistry: Biochemisrry Robert Lee Shepherd lll, BS Chcmistry Rose Isabel Shermm, BA Social Science, Universiry Honors College, Psychology Minor Smir Shetty, BA History, International and Global Studies Minor Bogdm Shevchuk, BS Chemistry: Biochemistry, Universiry Honors College, \(orld Language: Russian Minor Aishwarya Shailesh Shimpi, BS Biolog. Univer.iry Honor, Lollege David Wayne Shirey, BS Communication Studies BrmdonJmes Shirley BA History, Political Science Minot Cody O Shotola-Schiewe, BA Sociologv, University Honors College, Economics Minor Juon Shumaker, BS Mathematics Leena Shureh, BS Itychologv Sidra Siddiqui, BS Social Science Kathryn M Simmonds, BS Biology: Micro/MolecuLa6 Chemistry Minor Thomro Gerowe Simmons, BS Psychology, Universiq' Honors College Thylor Lee Simon, BS Biology Haley Nicole Simpson, BS Psychologr Brmdon Lee Singer, BA English Evm Matthew Laurence Skora, BS Biology: Organismal Muk Gregory Slatin, BS \Vomens Srudies, Philosophy Minor Jessica Nicole Slonaker, BS Science, Biology Minor Monique Smiley, BS Sociologv Alexmder James Smith, BA Anthropology Anne Muie Smith, BS Environmental Strdies Caola Rmsm Smith, BS Architecture, Arts and Letters, Dancc Minor Chdes F Smith, BS Communic:rtion Studies Icuus Jacoby Smith, BA Hisrorv Jonathm Smith, BS Social Science Kambra LaShel Smith, BS Liberal Studies, Arrs and Letters, Elementary Education Minor, Special Education Minor Kel Smith, BS Liberrl rnrdie'. P.l.lrolog Minor Kel Smith, Crt Dance Lauren Shelby Smith, BS Psychology Naeemah MaryJoie Smith-Nah, BA Sociolog.v, Social Science Naeemah MaryJoie Snith-Nroh, BS Science, Physics Minor Alexmdra Lee Snell, BS Sociology Jerry So, BA Social Science Vmessa R Sobella, BA Liberal Srudies Smm Sobhmi, BS Science Monique Mmette Soiseth, BS Geology, Space and Planetary Science Minor, Worid Language: Spanish Minor Te Otmae Yvohn Solomon, BS Sociology, Business Administration Minor Ashley Sprks, BS Communication Srudies, Sociology Minor Ammda Lee Spear, BS Psychology Sociology Minor Chae Macey Spearing, BS Biology Jcon Glenn Spencer, BS Anrhropologv Adm Michael Spolek, BA English Kayla Devery Sprint, BS Arts and Letters, English Minoa lVriting Minor Mriah Spurgin, BA English, \Vriting Minor Bhugava Sreekmthm, BS Bioiogy, Health Studies: Health Sciences, Universiry Honors College lawrence Stmfill El, BS Geography Jenna Elizabeth Stmford, BA Sociology Renee Brimne St Clair, BA English, lwriring Minor Jennifer Stefmick, BS F nr ironrnenral \rudie,, 5u.rainrbilirr Minor Gabrielle E Steinert, BS Quanticative Economics, Social Science, V/omens Studies Minor Cynthia C Stephenson, BA Conilicr Resolution Hmnah M Stevens, BS Sociologv Jaclene Stewrt, BS Science, Chemisrry Minor Morgm Mae Stills, BA Applied I-inguisrics, University Honors College Morgm Mae Stills, BS Speecb and Hearing Sciences, Universiry Honors College Katherine R Stites, BS Biology Kristina K Stoeva, BS Speech and Hearing Sciences Luke McKinley Stotler, BS Psychologv EmilyAnne Stout, BS Biology: Micro/Molecular Morgm Anne Stricklmd, BS Speech and Hearing Sciences Kelly Dawn Hattershide Sromberg, BS Social Science Jonnie Alcmder Stroup, BS Biology Alna Suaez, BA Philosophy, Vorld Languase: French Minor Lori Sullivm, BS Mathemarics, Secondary Education Minor Kmmara May Sumpter, BA English, lVriting Minor AmmdaAshleySundah, BS Psychology, Sociology Minor Thylor Michelle Sundberg, BA English Heather Evelyn Sutherlmd, BS Ps,vchology, Theater Arts Minor KimbedyAnne Sutton, BS Psychology Sunni Sher'Onta Svmg, BA English, lvriting lr4inor Savannah Jeanene Swutz, BS Social Science, Psychology Minor, \ifomens Studies Minor K Noah Swerdloff, BS Environmental Srudies, Sustainability Minor Sky Switzer, BS Science, Social Science, lndigenous Nations Studies Minor Ka Chai Tm, BS Physics Trm K Thm An, BA Social Science, Indigenous Narions Studies Minor, PsychoJogy Minor Dakota Jmes Thngredi, BS Envitonmental Sciences, University Honors College Muia Ka'aona Thuala, BA English Michael Eugene Taylor, BS Hisrory Sra Alexmdra Taylor, BS Physics, Music: Performance Iris Cula Maia Teeuwen, BS Anthropology, Philosophy Mi nor Emily Cristine Templeton, BS Sociologv Arima Elsa Tenold, BS Geology, Environmental Geologv Minor, Physics Minor Joseph Jmes Thiebes, BS Chemistry Joseph Jmes Thiebes, BA Physics, Liberal Studies Vaughn Lamont Thirdgill, BA Communication Studies ChristopherWThoma, BA Arrs and Letters John Christopher Thomc, Crt Comics Studies PB Certificate Smdi Mucylene Thomc, BA Applied Linguisrics, \florld Language: Modern Hebrew Minor Sandi Macylene Thomm, Crt Teaching English as a Second Language Certilicatc Tori Mroon Thomcon, BA Speech and Hearing Sciences, Applied Linsuistics Minor Ellis Elizabeth Thompson, BS Riologv. t nirer,iry Honor. t.ullcge. Photography Minor Jimmy Lanont Thompson, BS Social Science Chris Thomson, BS Arts and Letters, \friting Minor Brennm Taylor Thorpe, BA AppJied Linguistics, \forld Language: Spanish, World Language: French Minor Dmielle Ellen Tiedemun, BS Psychology, Criminology and Criminal Justice Minor, Law and Legal Studies Minor CoryJames Tipton, BS Earth Science, Geology Minor Emily C Tolstrup, BS Psychology Croline Towkach, BS Communication Srudies, Advertising Managenent Minor lbr Communicarion Studies Major Nicole Trmmel, BS Psychology, \(omens Studies AnthonyAnh Tian, BA English, Law and Legal Studies Minor Jennifer Tla Tian, BS Science Mrco Trm, BS Science Robert Trm, BS Cbemisrry Vmessa M Tim, BS Biolog)', Universiry Honors Coilege Victot Trm, BS Science Thra Mae totter, BA Anthropologv Robln Louise Truu, BS Psychology Alec Ellis Tlusry BS f nr i16n6sn11l 5tienc... (,e,,graphi. lnlbrmation Svstems/Sciencc Minor 44