
Spring 2017 Candidates Adrim Mutinez, BS Biologr Alex Mrie Mutinez, BA Speech and Hearing Sciences, \(orld Language: Spanish Minor Jordan Michael Mutinez, BA WorlJ I angurg.: Ar.rbi,. Unirer'iq Honors College Jordm Michael Mdtinez, Crt Middle East Srudies Certi6cate Eliezer Mutinez-Palafox, BA Communication Srudies Maga Mutinez-Reyes, BA Mrrherrrar i.s, Bu.ire" Admini.rrJlion Minor Corey A Mason, BA History ElimaMuie Mcon, BS Psychology, Community Health Minor Mahsa Katherine Mmoudi, BS Science Shmmi Isabella Kerstin Mssa, BA History Rosa Muie Matic, BS Anthropology Anna Lynne Matson, BS Psycholog,v, Social Science Smuel Louis Mas, BS Arts and Letters Naomi Caidin McAdms, BS Biology, Chemistry Minor Ammda L McAuley, BS Biologv: Micro/Molecular DevinJohn McEnry BS Sociologv Im Keith Mckay, BA Applied I-inguisrics Thylm Nicole McKinney, BS Speech and Hearing Scienccs Robert Jmeson Mclaughlin, BS Environmental Studies MiaMcMahon, BA Arts and Letters Jessie Nicole McNeill, BA Arthropology, Universiry Honors College Emma Rose McVillims, BA Vorld Language: Spanish, Child and Fanily Studies Minor, International and Global Studies Minor Britmi Michelle Medeiros, BA Psvchology Shahkira Aliah Mehkri, BS Science, Biology Minor Temerza Mehretab, BS Social Science Jmie Allison Melcher, BS Psycholog,v Monie Aridai Melchor, BS Psychology, Comnunication Studies Minor Ashton Melims, BA 'World Language: Russian Madeline Mendiola, BA English Renato Fernmdo Smta Cruz Mendoza, BS Anthropology Yolonda R Menefee, BS Social Science, Child and Family Stuclies Minor Melissa Dime Menschel, BA Anthropology, Worid Language: German Minor. International and Cllobal Studies: European Studies Ian Christim Mercer, BS Psychology, Social Science, Business Administration Minor Kyla D Merino, BA Psychology Rym Paul Meshke, BS Psychology Alba Ninoska Meza, BA WorJd Langirage: Spanish, International and Global Studies: Latin America Amy Nicole Middleton, BS Ps,vchology BeniminJoshua Millet, BS Science, Elementary Education Science Minor, Machematics fbr Micldle School Teachers Minor Chelsea Renee Milsted, BA \7orld Language: Spanish,'World I angurge: f-enclr. Applicd Lingui.ric' Minor Shelby Muissa Minm, BS Sociology Ashleigh Brooke Mitchell, BA English Megm Eliabeth Mitchell, BS Ps,vchology, PhiLosophy Minor Juon A Mock, BS Marhematics Katherine Grace Modlin, BA Applied Linguisrics, \7orld Language: French, Universiry Honors College Smuel Shaw Mohler, BS Mc. lrrni.ai f ngincrr'ng. Vrthemrric.. Physics Minor Kimbedy Lynn Moism, BA -World Language: Cerman BrittmyJo Moll, BA Liberal Studies, Sexualiry/Gender/ Queer Srudies Minor,'Womens Studics Minor Dmiel Owen Singer Molloy, BA English, Film Srudies Minor Christopher Michael Montello, BS Mathemarics Alison Jem Montgomery BS Speech and Hearing Sciences Jessica F Moore, BA English, University Honors CoLlege, Writing Minor John Patrick Moore, BS Science Iauren Elizabeth Moore, BA Speech and Hearing Sciences Teamua Muie Moore, BS Arts and Letters, Arr: Art Hisrory Minor Gabriela Morales, BA Communication Studies Jake Morrill, BS Biology: Organismd Jordm Moris, BS Geology Laura A Morris, BS Psychology Brittmy Michele Mosley, BS Ps,vchology Ashley Michelle Moya, BS Social Science, Business Adminisrration Minor Dmielle Nicole Moyer, BS Environ mental StrLdies, Geographv Minor Laila Muhaeb, BA Social Science, Sociology Minor Megon Loriene Mulkey, BS Biologr: Micro/Molccular Alexmdra Mirelle Munford, BS Psychoiogy, Universiry Honors College, Business Aclministration Minor Meca Muniz, BA Social Sciencc Bimca Giselle Munoz, BA Psychology Rodger Paull Mury BA \forld I-anguage: Russian Rodger Paull Murry Crt Advanced Proficicncy in Russian Certilicate Jessica Musselmm, BS Psychologv Ashleigh Rose Mustain, BS Biology: Micro/Molecular, Universiry Honors College Paul Edwud Nagy, BS Arts :rnd Lerters Chu Nakamura, BA Vorld Language: Japanese Nozomi Srah Nakuawa, BS Social Science Celso D Nrmjo, BS Liberal Studies Kristina Lee Naaym, BS Social Science Hmnah Nuragon, BS Psychoiogy 'Whitney Annette Nees, BA Psychoiogy, Communiry Health Minor Mrcus NeS, BA Business Administration: Supply and Logistic Management, Human Resource Management, lVorld Language: Cerrnan Mireya R Negrete, BA Speech and Hearing Sciences Ashley Y Torres Negron, BA Social Science, Psychology Minor tavisJames Neidig, BA Applied Linguisrics JomnVNelson, BS Geology, Earrh Science, Marhematics Minor Katherine May Nelson, BS Environmental Sciences Rachel M Nelson, BS Psychology Shae Heather Nelson, BS Communication Srudies AIan N*ins, BS Mathematics, Philosophy Minor Desiree Ngoc Nguyen, BS Biology, Scicnce, Chemistry Minor JessicaAi Nguyen, BS Psycholog,v, Busincss Adminisrration Minor Sophia Binh Nguyen, BS Science, Biology Minor, Chcmistry Minor Tiam Anh Trinh Nguyen, BS Speech and Hearing Sciences, ,Science Abigail Joy Nicks, BA 'World Language: Japanese YmaNikitin, BS Psychology Chuie Inez Norbury, BS Social Science Lucas Austin Nornes, BS Communication Srudies Reid North, BS Environmental Sciences Kelly Elizabeth Nonhway, BA English Chad Edwtd Nuner, BS Chernistry: Biochemistry Madelyn Mait Odegaard, BA Communication Studies, Universiry Honors College, Theater Arts Minor Brim T O'Donnell, BA L,nglish, Wriring Minor Namdi Okonkwo, BS Social Scicncc Destiny Ijeoma Okoro, BS Social Science Melmie Noel Olmie, BS Psychologv Mikyla Grace Olsen, BS Science Chudra Austin Olson, BS Speech and Hearing Sciences, Sociologry Minur. ChilJ and frmily \ru.lie. \4inor Courtney Mrie Olson, BS Communication Studies, Advcrtising Man:rgemenr Minor fbr Communication Studies Maior Ross Edward Orndorff, BS Anthropology, History, Philosophy Minor Jose Angel Ortiz, BS Marhematics, University Honors College Meghm H Ottommo, BA Arr':nd I errer.. Llemenrrrl Edrr,arion Minor Theater Arts Minor Adalberto Ju Pacheco, BS Biologv Kelsey Paden, BA Anthropology Jmison Tyler William Parfitt, BA English Nolan Keith Prker, BA \Vorld Language: German 42