
Doctoral Degrees *Hannah Marie Prather JeremyA. Shaw *Ben Turner Ph.D. Biology Ph.D. Mathematical Sciences Ph.D. Chemistry Examination of Human Impacts on the Computational Algorithms for Improaed Inuestigation in to the Stabilizing Efects Biodiaersi4t and Ecokgy of Lichen and Representation of the Model Error of the Modifed Base Arcltaeosine in rRNA Moss Communities Cotariance inWeak-Constraint 4D-Var and the ldentifcation of the F/uorescent Dissertation Chair: Todd Rosenstiel Dissertation Chair: Dacian Daescu Product of Base Treatment of NAD(P)+ Associate Professor of Biology Professor of Mathematics and Statistics Cofactors Dissertation Chair: Dirk Iwata-Reuyl xChristine Marie Radlinger Richard William Swinford Professor of Chemistry Ph.D. Chemistry Ph.D. Applied Physics Inuestigation into Efects of In*ability An AFM-SIMS Nano Tbmography Michael Scott W'aibel and Reactiuity of Hydride-Passiuated Acquisition System Ph.D. Environmentai Sciences and Silicon Nanoparticles on Interband Dissertation Chair: Erik Sanchez Resources: Geology Photoluminescence Associate Professor of Physics A Numerical Model Inuestigation of the Dissertation Chair: Andrea Goforth Role of the Glacier Bed in Regulating Associate Professor of Chemistry Clnthia Lynn Thylor Grounding Line Retreat of Thwaites Ph.D. Applied Psychology Glacier Wesr Antarctica *Robert Blake Hayden Rector Conceptualizing the Mindful Tbaclter: Dissertation Chair: Scott Burns Ph.D. Mathematical Sciences Examining Euidence for Mindfulness Professor Emeritus of Geology Generalized Dffirential Calculus and Skills in Tbacheri Classroom Speech and Applications to Optimization Behaaior Lei W'ang Dissertation Chair: Mau Nam Nguyen Dissertation Chair: Robert Roeser Ph.D. Chemistry Associate Professor of Mathematics and Professor of Psychology Molecular Probes for Pancreatic Cancer Statistics Imaging Kyle Scott Tidwell Dissertation Chair: Robert Strongin Chase Collier Reinhart Ph.D. Biology Professor of Chemistry Ph.D. Chemistry Quantif,ing the Impacts of a Nouel Formulation of Collaidal Suspensions of Predator: 7he Distinctiue Case of the MarkAlanYannotta 3-mercapropropionic acid capped PbS Oregon Spotted Frog (Rana pretiosa) and Ph.D. Mathematics Education Quantum Dots as Solution Processable the Inuasiue American Bullfog Conuentionalizing and Axiomatizing in a QD "Inbs'for Optoelectronic Applications (Rana (Aquarana) catesbeiana) Community College Mathematics Bridge Dissertation Chair: ErikJohansson Dissertation Chair: Deborah Dufield Course Assistant Professor of Chemistry Professor of Biology Dissertation Chair: Sean Larsen Professor of Mathematics and Statistics Nichole Louise Schimanski xAmy Michelle Tiuitt Ph.D. Mathematical Sciences Ph.D. Environmental Sciences and Orthomorphisms of Boolean Groups Resources Dissertation Chair: John Caughman, IV Wolbachia-Host Interactions and the Professor of Mathematics and Statistics Implications to Insect Conseruation and Management Dissertation Chair: Catherine de Rivera Associate Professor of Environmental Science *Candidate for Spring graduation