
PSU F oundation Faculty Philanthropic Leadership Award Tim Allen Garyison, Ph.D. TtM ALLEN GARRISoN is a professor and chair of the Department of History. His dedication to fundraising for the Hisrory Deparrment and commirmenr to developing reiationships and engaging donors makes professor Garrison an outstanding recipient for the PSU Foundation's Philanthropic Leadership award. His acrive involvement in donor engagement has signifi cantly increased philanthropic giving to the History Department. Professor Garrison has made fundraising a priority during his rime as chair, and he truly understands the role philanthropy plays in strengthening the department. From a development perspective, Professor Garrison is the ideal faculty partner. He is genuine, has a great sense of humor and has a way with people that puts them at ease and makes them feel special. He is always willing to strategize with development staff about cultivation ideas for donors. Despite all that he is juggling as department chair and as a practicing historian, professor Garrison makes himself available for donor visits and works to develop prospecrs in the communiry. The most norable demonstrarion of Pro[essor Carrison s devorion to philanthropy is his work with the Friends of History Board of Directors. The board was developed many years ago as a way to build support for the History department, but had become inactive by 2012, when professor Carrison recruired Lou Livingsron ro serve as the new president. Together, they revitalized the board, rewrore the bylaws and began recruiting board members. Since then, the Friends of History board has become a key factor in rhe success of the History Departmentt fundraising efforts. Funds raised from the Friends of History are used to sponsor public lectures with renowned historians from around the world, support faculry and student research and honor student achievements. l 19