
Research Faculty Excellence Award YKristin Hole, Ph.D. KRISTIN HOLE, instructor of Film Studies, has served Portland State University since joining its facu1ry in December 2015. She holds a Ph.D. in Cultural Studies from Stony Brook Universiry. In her short time with Portland State's Film Program, Professor Hole has elevated the programt research profile through her own publications and through her acrive solicitation of research from other faculry in the program. Her astute research in transnational cinema, feminist fi1m, and film theory constitute imporranr contributions to film curriculum internationally while profoundly informing the campus discourse among Portland Statet faculry and studer-rts. Professor Hole's dedication ro research and wriring. and to inregraring both in her faculry role, has been exemplary, both for her colleagues and her students, who benefit from her research work in the courses she teaches on New German cinema and feminist film theory. Frequently engaging in lively conversations about film and culture beyond the classroom, Professor Hole has shown herself to be an important mentor to PSU students, particularly women considering Ph.D. Progfams. Professor Hole has already published several peer-reviewed essays in journals and collections, on par with what might be expected ofa tenure-track faculty member at her stage. Her work has appeared tn Angelaki and in the edited volume Fashion and Film (Indiana Universiry Press, 2011). In the last year, she published a monograph, Towards a Feminist Cinematic Ethics: Claire Denis, Emmanuel Leuinas and Jean-Luc Nancy, with the well-respected Edinburgh Universiry Press, and she co-edited 7he Routledge Companion to Cinema and Gender, published by the equally well-respected Routledge press. She has also co-written the texrbook, Fi/m Feminbms: A Global Introduction, to be published in 2018 through Routledge press. Additionally, Professor Hole has written several reviews and presented at numerous conferences in the course of her career. The Research Faculry Research Excellence Award is given annually to a distinguished non-tenure track faculty member in recognition of the importance, originaliry qualiry volume, and impact of the individualt research and scholarship. This award also recognizes the recipientt extraordinary success engaging PSU's students in rigorous research and academic discourse. 16