Mission and Guiding Themes The mission of Portland State University is to enhance the intellectual, social, cultural, and economic qualities of urban life by providing access throughout the life span to a quality liberal education for undergraduates and an appropriate array of professional and graduate programs especially relevant to metropolitan areas. The University conducts research and community service that support a high quality educational environment and reflect issues important to the region. It actively promotes the development of a network of educational institutions to serve the community. The work of the University is guided by the following five themes: PROVIDE CIVIC LEADERSHIP THROUGH PARTNERSHIPS Lead as a civic partner, deepen our engagement as a critical community asset, demonstrate leadership in regional innovation, serve as an anchor institution in the metropolitan area. IMPROVE STUDENT SUCCESS Ensure a student experience that results in higher satisfaction, retention, and graduation rates. ACHIEVE GLOBAL EXCELLENCE Distinguish the institution nationally and internationally through the accomplishments of its faculty, reputation of its programs, and preparation of its students for a diverse and global economy. ENHANCE EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY Ease the transition and create more effective pathways for students to move from K-12 to higher education. EXPAND RESOURCES AND IMPROVE EFFECTIVENESS Expand resources in each of the funding streams (state, private, business partnerships, research, tuition), manage resources effectively, and match investments to strategic priorities. 3