
PSU STUDENTS HELPING STUDENTS 2013 SENIOR GIFT CAMPAIGN lAfUAT WILL YOU MISS MOST m Enjoying the Park n Grabbing a quick nap on one yy II I about LIFE AT PSU? " Blocks on a beautiful day “ of the comfy chairs in Smith _ Singing (really off-key) karaoke Hopping the MAX just before “ at the Cheerful Tortoise " the doors slide closed UniAf CAN YOU STILL BE A PART OF THE PSU n U VV FAMILY EVEN AFTER YOU GRADUATE? iu buck. \A/1JAT IS THE SENIOR fYnnl GIFT CAMPAIGN? SENIORS GIVE BACK TO PSU TO HELP FUTURE STUDENTS. Your gift will go to the college, department, program, team, or scholarship of your choice. EVERY ri;;. WHETHER YOU GIVE *5, «20.13 OR ^50, IT ALL GOES TOWARDS HELPING ANOTHER PSU STUDENT. If every 2013 senior made even a small gift, our impact could be huge! WHAT WILL THE CLASS OF 2013 ACCOMPLISH? nUYV YOUR GIFT Write a check for the amount of your choosing made payable to: The PSU Foundation OR Give online. Portland State UNIVERSITY