Doctoral Degrees *Jolina Jade Kwong Caputo Ed.D. Educational Leadership: Postsecondary Education Undergraduate Research and Metropolitan Commuter University Student Involvement: Exploring the Narratives of Five Female Undergraduate Students Adviser: Michael Smith, Ed.D. Associate Professor of Education *Audrey Lingley Ed.D. Educational Leadership: Curriculum and Instruction Seeing Crucibles: Legitimizing Spiritual Development in the Middle Grades Through Critical Historiography Adviser: Karen Noordhoff, Ed.D. Associate Professor of Education * Akiko Ota Ed.D. Educational Leadership: Postsecondary Education Factors Influencing Social, Cultural, and Academic Transitions of Chinese InternationalESL Students in U.S. Higher Education Adviser: Michael Smith, Ed.D. Associate Professor of Education Keely Shawn Porter Ed.D. Educational Leadership: Curriculum and Instruction Finding the Gifted Child’s Voice in the Public Elementary School Setting: A Phenomenological Exploration Adviser: Christine Chailie, Ed.D. Professor of Education Susan Romano Rustvoid Ed.D. Educational Leadership: Postsecondary Education Oral Health Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors: Investigation of an Educational Intervention Strategy with At-Risk Females Adviser: Christine Cress, Ed.D. Professor of Education *Susan Robin Shugerman Ed.D. Educational Leadership: Postsecondary Education A Case Study of After-School Activities in one School that is Making Progress in Closing the Achievement Gap Adviser: Candyce Reynolds, Ed.D. Associate Professor of Education *Peter N. Siamoo Ed.D. Educational Leadership: Administration Developing the Instructional Leadership Skills of High School Principals in Tanzania: A Problem-Based Learning Approach Adviser: Thomas Chenoweth, Ed.D. Professor Emeritus of Education * Kathryn Elizabeth Toppel Ed.D. Educational Leadership: Curriculum and Instruction The Call for Cultural Responsiveness: Teachers’ Perceptions about the Interplay Between Culturally Responsive Instruction and Scripted Curricula Adviser: Samuel Henry, Ed.D. Associate Professor of Education *Shannon Timm Watson Ed.D. Educational Leadership: Postsecondary Education Student Employment in Student Affairs Units: Characteristics of Educationally Purposeful Environments Adviser: Karen Haley, Ed.D. Assistant Professor of Education MASEEH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE *Muhammad Amer Ph.D. Technology Management Extending Technology Roadmap through Fuzzy Cognitive Map-based Scenarios: The Case of the Wind Energy Sector of Pakistan Adviser: Tugrul Daim, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Engineering and Technology Management *Leong Chan Ph.D. Technology Management Developing a Strategic Policy Choice Framework for Technological Innovation: Case of Chinese Pharmaceuticals Adviser: Tugrul Daim, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Engineering and Technology Management *Haera Chung Ph.D. Electrical and Computer Engineering Optimal Network Topologies and Resource Mappings for Heterogeneous Networks-on- Chip Adviser: ChristofTeuscher, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering ‘Candidate for Spring graduation. 20