
Student Speakers: Afternoon Ceremony Paige Hatcher, M.D. PAIGE HATCHER, M.D., is a native Kansan and a graduate of the University of Kansas Medical School. She is receiving her Master in Public Health in health management and policy at Portland State University while finishing her residencies in family medicine and preventive medicine at Oregon Health & Science University. Her research and policy interests include rural and interprofessional workforce development and health services delivery. Dr. Hatcher has contributed to several state policies and legislation Oran Stainbrook ORAN STAINBROOK, a first-generation student from rural Nevada, is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in architecture after an undergraduate career that spanned eight years. With 269 credits, he dabbled in art, sustainability, urbanism, and astronomy. During his time at Portland State, Mr. Stainbrook has worked as a University Studies peer mentor and as a team lead with Student Leaders for Service. This year, he co-coordinated PSU’s Village Building Convergence initiatives, most notably as related to the patient-centered primary care home model of care delivery. She and her husband, Jeff, are “parents” to four fuzzy rescues and enjoy traveling, gardening, and hiking. After graduation, she will return to her home state to repay her loans while working at a rural, critical access hospital and attached ambulatory clinic. She plans to teach, practice fullscope family medicine, and apply her public health training to health reform efforts in Kansas. projects and Alternative Spring Break program. Over the next few months, Mr. Stainbrook will be attending the Earthship Academy with a permaculture design course to follow. He recently applied for the Peace Corps and—as a backup plan—to be a Mars One astronaut. Ultimately, he hopes to work as an educator, artist, activist, and public interest designer. And though he may never live here again, Portland will always be “home.” 10