
PLATFORM PARTY Daniel O. Bernstine, J.D., LL.M. President Michael Reardon, Ph.D. Provost and VicePresident for Academic Affairs Harold Briggs, Ph.D. Presiding Marshal Alan Cabelly, Ph.D. ChiefMarshal Neal Keny-Guyer, M.EP.M CEO, MercyCorps Commencement Speaker Doctor of Humane Letters, Honoris Causa Recipient Ibrahim Abdi Student Representativeof the Class of 2005 Sarah Beasley, M.I.L.S., M.A.I.S. ButlerAwardfor Library Faculty Service Recipient Don Blair,M.B.A. Representativeof the Oregon State Board ofHigher Education Michael L. Burton, M.A., M.Ed. ViceProvost and Executive Director for Extended Studies Michael A. Driscoll, Ph.D. ViceProvost for Academic Personnel and Budget Cathy Dyck, M.PA. '02 VicePresident for Finance and Administration Robert Dryden, Ph.D. Dean, Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science Phyllis J. Edmundson, Ed.D. Dean, Graduate School of Education William H. Feyerherm, Ph.D. Vice Provost for Research and Graduate Studies Sandra J. Franz, B.S.N. Mary H. Cumpston Award for Service to Students Christy Harper President AssociatedStudents ofPortland State University Class of 2005 Gainell Irving Student Representative of the Class of 2005 Marvin A. Kaiser, Ph.D. Dean, Collegeof Liberal Arts and Sciences Jay Kenton, Ph.D. '00 ViceChancellor, Oregon University System Nancy M. Koroloff, Ph.D. (MSW '72) BranfordPrice Millar AwardRecipient Gil Latz, Ph.D. ViceProvost for International Affairs Catherine S. McVeety, M.P.A VicePresident for University Relations Dalton Miller-Jones, Ph.D. George C. Hoffmann Award Recipient Kristine E. Nelson, D.S.W. Dean, Graduate School of Social Work Terrel L. Rhodes, Ph.D. ViceProvost for Curriculum and Dean of Undergraduate Studies Douglas N. Samuels, Ed.D. ViceProvost for Student Affairs Helen Spalding, M.A., M.P.A. University Librarian Robert Sylvester, M.S. Dean, School ofFine and Performing Arts Brian Tierney Student, Class of 2005 National Anthem Singer Patricia Trout, M.A. '88 President Portland State University Alumni Association Lawrence M. Wallack, Dr.P.H. Dean, College of Urban and Public Affairs Patricia J. Wetzel, Ph.D. Director, Institute for Asian Studies Reader Lawrence Wheeler, Ph.D. Director, University Honors Program Reader