WINTER 2003 GRADUATES David S.Jun, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering; Seoul, Korea Onur Kaplan, MS Engineering Management; AntolyaTu, rkey Phillip Austin Kelly, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Silverton Mikhail Nikolayevich Kholodov, MS Economics; Vancouver,Washington Melinda Renee Konya, MPA Public Administration; Pittsford, New York Nathan Scott Kruse, MS Education: Special Education; Portland Christopher Francis Kuhlman, MBA Business Administration: Management of Innovation and Technology; Berkley Michigan Ajey Baburao Kulkarni, MS Computer Science; Portland Stephen Ray Lagerquist, MS Biology; Portland Michael Eric Liefeld, MURP Urban and Regional Planning; Portland Cody Burke Loveland, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Ogden, Utah Ming Lu, MBA Business Administration: Finance; Shanghai, China Julia Youst MacRae, MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages; Portland Manoj Srichand Manghwani, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering; Mumbai, India Kevin Scott Martin, MS Geography; Glendora, California Fritz R. Mason, MBA Business Administration; Corvallis Shari A. Matzner, MS Systems Science; Portland Min Wai Maung, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering; Beaverton Susan Lynn McCaffrey, MPA Public Administration; Salem Justin Jacob McCollum, MS Physics; Clackamas Brandon John McCurry, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering; Lexington Park, Maryland Amber Lynn McGill, MSW Social Work; Chicago, Illinois Daniel Ryan McLean, MSW Social Work; Beaverton Charles E. Mitchell, MPA Public Administration; Portland Nutthapong Mitranond, MS Engineering Management; Portland Charlene Carol Morishita, MS Biology; Portland Brian Michael Murray, MS Education: Special Education; Manhattan Beach, California Kanagalakshmi Nagarajan, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering; Beaverton Colt Jason Norrish, MBA Business Administration: Finance; Portland Quinn Owen O'Rourke, MIM International Management; Vancouver, Washington lhab Y.Obeidi, MPA Public Administration: Flealth Administration; Lake Oswego Siva Kumar Padallaparthy, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering; Portland Sergei Paleichook, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering; Beaverton Surachet Panomtham, MS Engineering Management; Bangkok, Thailand Steven Michael Pape, MEd Education; Portland Keerti Parthasarathy, MS Computer Science; Beaverton Minal Kiran Patil, MS Computer Science; Beaverton Yogesh Patil, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering; Portland Alison Camille Perry, MS Education: Counseling; AtlantaG, eorgia Brian Frank Pfeifer, MPA Public Administration: Flealth Administration; Lake Oswego Melinda Matthews Posipanko, MBA Business Administration; Bloomfield, New Jersey Ramya Rajaraman, MS Communication Studies; Beaverton Rajakumar Rajendiran, MBA Business Administration; Portland Jody John Ramey MS Theater Arts; Vancouver,Washington Santhoshini Reddy Ravi, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering; Beaverton Ghanta Ravikiran, MS Computer Science; Mysore, India Cynthia Monique Restrepo, MST Science: Biology; Tampa, Florida Stephen Clayton Rivers, MPA Public Administration; Monterey California Laura A. Roberts, MS Biology; Portland Laura Lynn Rodgers, MPA Public Administration; Portland Kingsley Roosevelt, MBA Business Administration: Management of Innovation and Technology; Portland Derek Wesley Rustvold, MS Computer Science; Glen Burnie, Maryland Shonene A. Scott, MS Biology; Salem Anupama Seshagiri, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering; Hillsboro Rakesh Ramkumar Sharma, MBA Business Administration;West Linn Cathy S. Sherick, MPA Public Administration; Portland Shweta BalakrishnaShetty, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering; Portland Samuel William Shogren, MPA Public Administration; Sturgeon Bay Wisconsin Satish Narayan Shrestha, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering; Portland Joao Manuel Simoes, MS Engineering Management; Portland Samarjit Singh, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering; Portland Vikas Singhal, MS Computer Science; Delhi, India David Edward Smith, MBA Business Administration: Finance; Portland Shilpa Avinash Sodani, MS Computer Science; Portland Tonja Mandana Spencer, MPH Health Administration and PolicBye; averton Elizabeth A. Stark, MS Education: Special Education; Portland Gary Michael Swartz, MEd Education; Colon, Michigan Christopher Andrew Swindell, MBA Business Administration; Portland Aaron Talebi, MS Statistics; Wilsonville Ali Talebi, MS Engineering Management; Tualatin Matthew James Talley, MA History; Portland Chisa Terano, MA Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Nara, Japan Janene Smith Thomas, MA Writing; Portland Sivakumar KumarasamyThuraiyur, MS Engineering Management; ThuraiyuInr,dia Catherine Rose Turner, MEM Environmental Management; Portland Andrea S. Twilley, MA English; Salisbury, Maryland Janet Lynn Unruh, MEng Engineering Management:Technology Management; St. Louis, Missouri Dave Matthew Van Dyke, MS Mechanical Engineering; Portland Ajay Venkatachala, MS Computer Science; Portland Wes Wade Wagner, MBA Business Administration: Management of Innovation andTechnology; Aurora Arnon Wangudomsuk, MIM International Management; Beaverton Meghan Kate Warren, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Endicott, New York Jason Matthew Waters, MS Civil and Environmental Engineering; Portland Cindy JoWavra, MEd Education; Spokane, Washington Laura Jane Wesely, MS Financial Analysis; Saunderstown, Rhode Island Susan Elaine Weston, MS Biology; Portland James Donald White, MPA Public Administration; Portland Andreas Wunderle, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering; Portland Xiaolong Yao, MS Computer Science; Portland Nicholas Roelf Zuiderveld, MS Computer Science; Jacksonville, Illinois GRADUATE CERTIFICATES Joshua Reade Ahmann, CRTGR Real Estate Development; Portland David Dean de la Rocha, CRTGR Real Estate Development; Portland Ahmed M. El-Geneidy, CRTGR Geographic Information Systems; Alexandria, Egypt Christina Marie Friedle, CRTGR Geographic Information SystemNso; rthport, New York Joseph Steven Fusion, CRTGR Computer Modeling and Simulation Certificate; Portland Matthew R. Hampton, CRTGR Geographic Information Systems; Missoula, Montana Susan C. Hay, CRTGR Mathmatics for Middle School Teachers; Portland Stephanie Kay Heisler, CRTGR Mathmatics for Middle School Teachers; Lake Oswego David S. Jun, CRTGR Lasers and Optoelectronics Certificate; Seoul, Korea Jennifer M. Karps, CRTGR Geographic Information Systems; Palo Alto, California Jonathan Richard Konkol, CRTGR Real Estate Development; Portland Nannette Marie Luomanen, CRTGR Addictions Counseling; Vancouver, Washington Sergei Paleichook, CRTGR Digital Signal Processing; Beaverton Doreen K. N. Stenson, CRTGR Gerontology Certificate; Forest Grove Heidi E. Steward, CRTGR Applied Energy Economics Certificate; Portland William Edgar Thomas, CRTGR Real Estate Development; Portland Melissa Ann Zagorski, CRTGR Geographic Information Systems; Portland 50