SPRING 2005 CANDIDATES Nivedita Krishnamurthy Doijode, MS Civil and Environmental Engineering: Portland Julie Teresa Donald, MSW Social Work: GrassValley California Hilary Christine Donovan, MS Speech and Hearing Sciences: Portland Amy Eileen Drake, MPH Health Education: Health Promotion: Jamestown, New York Rhonda Anne Driscoll, MEd Education: Newberg Oliver John Droppers V,MPH Health Education: Health Promotion: Portland Heather L. Drought, MA Anthropology: Portland Lisa Ellen Dubitsky, MS Speech and Hearing Sciences: Portland Michael Dunbar, MA English: Portland Rhea Jean Duncan, MEd Education: Portland Lianne Mari Dyche, MSW Social Work: Portland Thomas Prescott Eager, MA Writing: Portland Heather Rose Easterly, MS Geology; Oregon City Laura Michelle Eccles, MSW Social Work; Denver, Colorado Aaron Michael Eder, MS Civil and Environmental Engineering; Snohomish, Washington Jana Lyn Edic, MS Communication Studies; Ashland Kayla Walker Edin, MA English; Newberg Sandra Jo Ediefsen, MS Speech and Hearing Sciences; Forest Grove Kristy LaVonne Eggen, MSW Social Work; Shoreline, Washington Mahmoud El-Gohary, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering; Milwaukie Burke Clayton Ellett, MS Computer Science; Portland Justin James Elliott, MS Civil and Environmental Engineering: Redmond Sheryl Lynn Elliott, MSW Social Work; Winston Clea Liis English, MPH Health Administration and Policy; Portland David Haynes Erickson, MS Education: Educational Policy, Foundations, and Administrative Studies; Portland Daniel Robert Everding, MS Engineering Management; Omaha, Nebraska Daniel Robert Everding, MS Computer Science: Omaha, Nebraska Katrina Renae Fairchild, MSW Social Work; Portland Lynn Catharine Fairweather, MSW Social Work; Portland Eric John Falken, MS Civil and Environmental Engineering; Lake Oswego Sara L. Fallico, MS Education: Counseling; Portland Sean Patrick Farrelly, MURP Urban and Regional Planning; New York, New York Maureen Ellen Farren-Sherman, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction: Vancouver, Washington Naomi Fast, MA Writing: Fresno, California Alexandra Dufkova Fercak, MPA Public Administration; Aloha Alison Carol Fiamengo, MS Speech and Hearing Sciences; Wilsonville Anna Laurel Fidler, MFA Studio Arts; Traverse City, Michigan Julie Fiedler, MS Engineering Management; Portland Ellie S. Fiore, MURP Urban and Regional Planning; Manlius, New York Carolyn Draper Fisher, MS Education: Special Education; Chicago, Illinois Daniel P Flynn, MSE Software Engineering; Aloha Kristina Melinda Follis, MEd Education; Portland Carl William Foreman, MPA Public Administration: Health Administration: Portland Michele Lillian Formel, MS Education: Special Education; Pittsfield, Massachusetts Tori Brook Fornaciari, MSW Social Work; Portland Donald Vincent Forsythe, MS Economics: West Linn Kristal Linn Foskey, MSW Social Work; Portland Danette Marie Foster, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Portland Lynda Francine Franks, MS Sociology; Milwaukee,Wisconsin Lynda Francine Franks, MEd Education; Milwaukee, Wisconsin Shelby S. Frantz, MS Education: Special Education; Portland Rebecca Elizabeth Free, MEd Education; Portland Dawn LaShelle Freeman, MS Communication Studies; Honolulu, Hawaii Leigh Margaret Freeman, MPH Health Administration and PolicSyil;etz Miriam I. Friedman, MS Education: Educational Policy Foundations, and Administrative Studies; Lexington, Massachusetts Treci Brooke Gahlsdorf, MS Education: Educational Policy Foundations, and Administrative Studies; Brighton, Massachusetts Erin Gallagher, MS Speech and Hearing Sciences: Clearwater, Florida Vera Amber Galvin, MEd Education; Portland Deborah Jane Gant, MS Education: Special Education; Portland Amanda Nicole Garcia-Snell, MPH Health Education: Health Promotion; Prescott, Arizona Jason Lee Gard, MBA Business Administration:Finance; Beaverton Garth J.Garner, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering; Portland Cody Michael Garrison, MA Education: Curriculum and Instruction: Gresham Jennifer Ann Gault, MPA Public Administration: Health Administration; Portland Sylvain Albert Gazaille, MEng Systems Engineering: Portland Charles Parker George, MBA Business Administration: International Business; Portland Andrea Marie Geraghty, MSW Social Work; Portland Keith Alan Getchell, MS Education: Special Education: Portland Kelly Ann Geygan, MS Education: Special Education; Denver, Colorado Pamella Saige Gibson, MFA Studio Arts; Portland Scott Thomas Gibson, MBA Business Administration: Finance; Portland James A. Gill, MURP Urban and Regional Planning; Portland Maria de la LuzMoreno Gilson, MEd Education; Portland Linda Jean Glodt, MEd Education; Portland Modesto E. Godinez, MS Physics; Lake Oswego Cathy Jayne Gordon, MPH Health Education: Health Promotion; Portland Leslie Andrea Gordon, MSW Social Work; Portland Luke Gordon, MS Communication Studies; Portland Nichole I. Gordon, MS Education: Special Education; Portland Kristen Lee Govertsen, MST Mathematics; Portland Alex May Graham, MS Education: Educational Policy Foundations, and Administrative Studies; Scappoose Mandy K. Green, MPH Health Education: Health Promotion; Portland Andrew David Greenberg, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering; Portland Stefanie Amber Greene, MSW Social Work; Aloha Johannes Nikolaus Grefe, MS Engineering Management; Karlsruhe, Germany Maryanne Groff, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; East Greenville, Pennsylvania Kellee Diane Grubb, MSW Social Work; Juneau, Alaska Heather Lynn Guidero, MS Writing; Bend Zeyu Guo, MS Electrical and Computer Engineering; Portland Davie LaNae Gustafson, MEd Education; Canby David Michael Guy, MS Computer Science; New Orleans, Louisiana Sarah Anne Haener, MS Education: Special Education: Aurora Dawn Lynn Hagopian, MS Conflict Resolution; Portland Christopher Sean Hall,MA English; Portland David Edward Hall, MS Psychology; Portland Diana Christine Hall, MEd Education; Portland Evan Eastman Hall, MS Engineering Management; Portland Rosario Hall, MA Foreign Languages: Spanish; Portland Ethan Michael Ham, MFA Studio Arts; Portland Valerie Lynn Hamby, MSW Social Work; Eugene ChristyAnne Marie Hamilton, MM Music: Performance; Estacada Matthew Riggen Hampton, MS Geography; Missoula, Montana Molly Kathleen Hancock, MS Communication Studies; Beaverton Wanwisa Hannok, MS Education: Curriculum and Instruction; Portland Steven Paul Hansen, MURP Urban and Regional Planning; Bridgeport, Connecticut Meredith McDowell Hardin, MS Education: Counseling; Vancouver, Washington Kerith Anne Harding, MS Education: Counseling; KingwoodT,exas Kathryn Helen Harmon, MEd Education; Nehalem Anne Elizabeth Harper, MA Education; Special Education; Darien, Connecticut Jamie Elyse Harper, MSW Social Work; Portland Caleb Lee Harris, MS Education: Educational Policy Foundations, and Administrative Studies; Newberg William A. Harris, MS Financial Analysis; Portland Alissa Michelle Hartman, MEd Education; Portland Masud Bin Hasan, MURP Urban and Regional Planning; Dhaka, Bangladesh Jill Elizabeth Hauben, MSW Social Work; New York City, New York Lisa Michell Hawash, MSW Social Work; Portland Brandi Rene Haws, MSW Social Work; Salem Cynthia Suzanne Hayden, MA English: Warren Mary Hansell Hayes, MS Education: Special Education; Athena Marisa Kathlene Hazelton, MEd Education: Portland Laurel Michelle Hazzard, MEd Education; Portland Catherine Laurick Heaton, MS Education: Educational Policy Foundations, and Administrative Studies; Salem Tara Lyn Hebert, MS Health Studies; Salem 29