CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES Oregon's future depends on the preparation we provide you, ourfuture leaders, so that you have the skills and knowledgeto compete in the 21st century global economy Pordand State University has equipped you with thteools you needto be successful, and hI ope thatthis is the beginning of a lifelong journey loefarning. Today is your special day, and your family, your neighbors, and your city adreeply proud ofyou. Portland State University holds a unique place ionur community, and its graduates have always been at the center of making Portlanda great city. In the years ahead, Iknow you willput your talentand Congratulations and good luck in reaching your next milestone. Theodore R.Kulongoski Governor compassion, skills and intellect into shaping Portland's future. Congratulations. Tom Potter Mayor Today is your day! Faculty staff, and friends of Portland State University salute you and congratulate you on your success. Our students and graduates are known for their commitment to community antod their dedication to makinga difference. Whatever your next step is—work, family, or graduate school—I hope you will alwaytshink of PSU as the place where yourealized your dreams and accomplished your goals. Enjoy this wonderful celebration, keep connected to Portland State, and best wishes ftohre future. Daniel O. Bernstine President