BUTLER AWARD EOR LIBRARY FACULTY SERVICE SARAH BEASLEY Sarah Beasley, associate professor and education and socialsciences librarian, has served Portland State University for eight years. The nomination portfolio for the Butler Awardis a testament to her outstanding performance as a member of the Library faculty. ProfessorBeasleyhas made significant contributions in reference and instructional services and in the development and management of information resources. She was instrumental in the planning and implementation of the BranfordP Millar Library'ssecond floor Researchand Learning Center, where she and other librarians provide reference services to students, faculty,and community members. Professor Beasleyis the librarian assigned to support the learning and research needs of students and faculty in the education and women's studies programs. She facilitatescollection purchases and provides library instruction customized to courses in these areas. She also coordinates the development and management of the Library'scollections and other information resources, and has rewritten the Library's Information Resources Management Policy. Professor Beasleyis active professionally.Her scholarly presentations at local, regional, and national conferences have focused on collection development and on teaching and learning. She serves on committees in the Associationof College and ResearchLibraries and has provided leadership as a past president of the association'sOregon chapter. The Butler Awardis given annually to recognize excellence of library service to students, faculty,and other patrons of the BranfordP MillarLibrary.The award was established through an endowment by ProfessorEmeritus Kenneth W Butlerand his wife, EliseW Butler 10