
GEORGE C. HOFFMANN AWARD FOR FACULTY EXCELLENCE DALTON MILLER-JONES Dalton Miller-Jones,professor of psychology and interim chair of Black Studies, has served Portland State University for more than 13 years. The nomination portfolio for the Hoffmann Awardis a testament to his exemplary contributions in instruction. University service, and scholarship. ProfessorMiller-Jonesis a beloved and accessibleeducator. He engages all students in the learning process, as well as advising and mentoring many during their educational careers. He is also valued as a gifted orator for his ability to communicate ideas and speak on diverse topics. Professor Miller-Jones'sscholarly research and applied activities in developmental psychology,student learning methodologies, and student learning assessment have enriched the University and gained him recognition in the local, regional, and national communities. He is also an expert on the topics of diversity and equity in education. A colleague wrote that "he is a true leader—he not only helps design and implement new ideas and approaches to problems, he inspires others with his unique blend of personal commitment, enthusiasm, activism, and integrity." The Hoffmann Award is given annually to a faculty member in recognition of distinguished contributions to the University in the areas of instruction, service, and scholarship which are done in the spirit of humanism, civility,and collegialitywith particular dedication to students and loyalty to the University— values especially cherished by the late George C. Hoffmann, a distinguished dean and professor of history at Portland State University. 9