BRANFORD PRICE MILLAR AWARD FOR FACULTY EXCELLENCE NANCY M.KOROLOFF Nancy Koroloff,professor of social work and director of the RegionalResearch Institute, has served Pordand State University for 32 years. The nomination portfolio for the MillarAwardis a testament to her distinguished contributions to the University through instruction, scholarship, University service, and public service. A colleague wrote that Professor Koroloff"is a dedicated teacher who has remained active in teaching along with her administrative duties, a fine scholar who writes from her research, and a mentor to many generations ofstudents and faculty." Professor Koroloff has an outstanding track record of scholarship and a national reputation in the field of family-centered mental health practice. ProfessorKoroloff is a generous and committed participant in University and community life. She is noted for her collegiality,sound advice, and wise counsel. The MillarAwardis given annually to a faculty member who has demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, instruction, University service, and public service; and whose performance in the area of scholarship and research is judged to be exceptional—values recognized by the late BranfordP Millar,a distinguished president of the University.