
SPRING 2000 CANDIDATES Shelley Marie La Barre, Crt Women’s Studies Certificate; Portland Jason J. LaBrado, BS Business Administration: Finance; Milwaukie Kenneth John LaTour, BS Art: Drawing/Painting/Printmaking; Ashland Jeremiah S. Lacey, BS Anthropology, Mathematics Minor, Physics Minor; Portland Michael Alan LaFramboise, BA Social Science; Madras Adriana Elias Lamas, BA Art: Graphic Design; Portland Catherine Lamb, BS Business Administration: Accounting; Lake Oswego Erik J. Lane, BA Foreign Languages: German; Portland Rachel Diane Lane, BA Liberal Studies; Santa Ana, California Werner Hillesland Langley, BS Mechanical Engineering; Bend Robert Gien Larsen, BA Foreign Languages: Spanish, Arts and Letters; Tigard Wilda Dianne Larsen, BS Child and Family Studies; Portland Lindsay Latham, BA English; Medford Steve Thomas Latham, BS Business Administration: Marketing; Sandy Eugene Chung*Kin Lau, BA Architecture; Tualatin Sarah Laughlin, BS Sociology; Portland Christie Anne Law, BA Business Administration: Information Systems, International Business Studies Certificate; Portland Valory Jean Lawrence, BA Theater Arts; Portland Thao-An P. Le, BS Psychology; Portland Trang Thuy Le, BS Business Administration: Supply and Logistics Management, Information Systems; Portland Viet Hoai Le, BS Business Administration: Information Systems, General Management; Beaverton Louis Martin Le Blanc, BS Community Development; Beaverton Theodore James Leach, BS Liberal Studies; Eugene Fredrick Paul Lee, BS Biology; Beaverton Jennifer Trinity Lee, BA Art: Drawing/Painting/Printmaking; Portland Ji'Eun Lee, BA Art: Drawing/Painting/Printmaking; Seoul, Korea Kathryn Marie Lee, BS Business Administration: General Management, Human Resources Management; Portland Kathy Wen Lee, BS Business Administration: Information Systems; Okemos, Michigan Keun Haeng Lee, BS Economics; Seoul, Korea Linda C. Lee, BS Health Education: Health and Fitness Promotion; Vancouver, Washington Michael Patrick Lehner, BA Architecture; Portland Brett David Leibbrandt, BS Architecture; Hood River Brian Scott Leigh, BS Chemistry: Biochemistry; Portland Ryan Russell Leighton, BS Social Science; Vancouver, Washington Debra J. Leone, BS Child and Family Studies; Beaverton Stephanie Andrea Leritz, BS Art: Graphic Design; Portland Miranda Levin, BA Art: Graphic Design, Art History Minor; Portland Christopher Diallo Lewis, BS Social Science, Black Studies Certificate; Portland Dejuan Rochelle Lewis, BS Social Science, Administration of Justice Minor; Sacramento, California Ryan Lee Lewis, BS Biology; Vancouver, Washington Shannon Marie Lewis, BS Art: Drawing/Painting/Printmaking; Portland Henry Te-Lin Li, BS Chemistry; Beaverton Ricky Liang, BA Business Administration: Information Systems; Portland Tanya Kiyomi Liebl, BS Sociology; Eugene Scott Douglas Liedtke, BS Business Administration: Finance; Portland Andrew Brian Lightcap, BS Geography; Portland Marcus P. Lima, BA Architecture; Portland Tracy Ann Linder, BS Speech Communication; Cannon Beach Sarah Ann Lindner, BA Anthropology; Portland Steven Rush Lindsey, BS Business Administration: Information Systems; Hillsboro Caríese Evangeline Linker, Crt Teaching English as a Second Language Certificate; Portland Dina V. Lipetskaya, BS Business Administration: Finance, Information Systems; Portland Charlotte Elaine Litster, BS Administration of Justice; Springfield Steven Spencer Liudahl, BA Geography; Salem Theodora Christine Lockwood, BS Business Administration: Marketing, Advertising Management; Hillsboro Arianna Carisa Long, BS Business Administration: Human Resources Management, General Management; West Linn Hannah Elizabeth Long, BS Mathematics, Speech Communication; Corvallis Janeth Mireya Hernandez Long, BS Social Science, Sociology Minor; Aurora Kathryn Ann Long, BA Foreign Languages: French, Foreign Languages: Spanish; Portland Steven Michael Long, BA Arts and Letters; Portland Andrew Loofburrow, BS Computer Science; Portland Jesse Albert Lopez, BS Business Administration: Accounting; Portland William Bryan Lord, BS Business Administration: Information Systems; Beaverton Charles Henry Lott, BS Sociology; Monroe, Louisiana Abby Suzanne Lotz, BS Child and Family Studies; Portland Tina Noel Loveless, BA Music: General; Gladstone Marie Lynne Luarca, BS Chemistry; Portland Ahmad Khadah Wibowo Lubis, BS Mathematics, Computer Science Minor; Jakarta, Indonesia Kevin Wayne Lucas, BS Mechanical Engineering; Portland Catana Isobel Lucero, BA Psychology; Portland Anita Jean Lumsden, BS Business Administration: Human Resources Management, General Management; Portland Kristian Thomas Lutsock, BS History, Social Science, Geography Minor; McMinnville Kirsten Lynn Lyons, BS Music: General; Milwaukie Makenzie Brook Lystrup, BS Physics; Beaverton Grace I. Lytle, BS Social Science; Portland Bryan Howard MacDonald, BS Business Administration: Information Systems; Portland Sheryl Lynn Macinnis, BA Applied Linguistics, Teaching English as a Second Language Certificate; Simsbury, Connecticut Scott Macintosh, BS Physics; Boston, Massachusetts Trisha Anne MacLean, BS Psychology; Tigard Jeffery Gemin Mah, BS Art: Graphic Design; Portland Shabnam Mahdavi, BS Business Administration: Finance, General Management; Hillsboro Sarah Mahler, BS Social Science; Lake Oswego Hai Van Mai, BS Business Administration: Information Systems, Marketing; Tigard Renee Rachaela Mammone, BS Biology; Troutdale Bhavana Manikal, BS Business Administration: Information Systems; Portland Aimee Marie Mansoor, BS Social Science; Portland 44