SUMMER 2000 CANDIDATES Megan McKenzie, BS Business Administration: Accounting; Portland Joshua Michael McKinley, BA Anthropology, Hispanic and Latin American Studies Certificate, English Minor; Portland Stephen John McMurtrey, BS History, Anthropology Minor; Milwaukie John Loren McNamee, BS Sociology; Milwaukie Michelle Alicia McPhie-Mendez, BA Business Administration: Marketing, Advertising Management; Tacoma, Washington Greggory Bryan McVicker, BS Psychology; La Pine Marc Allen Meredith, BS Electrical Engineering; Hillsboro John Michael Mertlich, BS Philosophy, Economics; Portland Tracy Jay Meyer, BS Child and Family Studies; Hillsboro Andrei M. Mihailescu, BS Biology; Beaverton Avis Elizabeth Miles, BS Science; Columbus, Ohio Alec Louis Miller, BA Economics; Portland Diana Lynne Miller, BS Social Science, Administration of Justice Minor; Lebanon Dietrick Lee Miller, BA Arts and Letters, Foreign Languages: Chinese Minor; Portland Stephanie Shannon Miller, BA Business Administration: Marketing, General Management; Fairview Kelly Anne Millican, BS Speech Communication, Business Administration Minor; Clackamas Catherine Ann Mills, BS Arts and Letters; Portland Esther Y. Milne, BS Social Science, Administration of Justice Minor; Salem Jodele Lynn Mistretta, BS Biology; Cerritos, California Elliott Mitchell, BS Computer Science; Portland Rose Catherine Mitchell, BS Science; Portland Angela Mok, BA Business Administration: Information Systems; Portland Ross Monroe, BA Business Administration: Information Systems; Portland Felicea Maria Mora, BS Psychology; Warren Sarah Catherine Morgan, BA Arts and Letters; Bend Melinda Sue Morrison, BS Social Science, Business Administration Minor; Eugene Tahmina Rahman Morshed, Crt Postbaccalaureate Accounting Certificate; Beaverton Christopher Sterling Moss, BA Foreign Languages: Spanish; Fallbrook, California Gregg H. Mosson, BA English; Portland Asa Drew Mueller, BS Business Administration: General Management, Human Resources Management; Portland Kurt Alan Mundt, BS Social Science; Portland Atsuko Nagashima, BA Psychology; Yokosuka, Japan Paul Anthony Navarro, BA Theater Arts; Eagle Rock, California Jason Edward Neakrase, BS Psychology, Philosophy Minor; Puyallup, Washington Michael G. Neilson, BA Science; Los Banos, California Cindy Michelle Nelson, BS Social Science, Psychology Minor; West Linn Justin Randall Nelson, BS Biology, Business Administration Minor; Portland Kieusang Thi Nguyen, BS Electrical Engineering; Portland Ngu Hoang Nguyen, BS Business Administration: Information Systems; Tigard Samantha Nguyen, BS Business Administration: Information Systems, Finance; Portland Vu Oanh Nguyen, BS Electrical Engineering; Portland Todd L. Nicholson, BS Psychology; Portland Philip Knox Niedermeyer, BA History; Portland Jamie Dawn Nigaglioni, BA History; Portland Mari Nishibori, Crt Postbaccalaureate Accounting Certificate; Portland Kyoko Nishida, BS Business Administration: Information Systems, Marketing; Portland David Anthony Nix, BS Speech Communication; Clackamas Juan Carlos Nuno, BS Civil Engineering; Estacada Zdenka Fialova Nyburg, BA Social Science, Anthropology Minor; Tigard Patrick D. Nye, BS Arts and Letters, Professional Writing Minor, Black Studies Minor, Business Administration Minor; Portland Julia Erica Nystrom, BS Business Administration: Marketing; Beaverton Patricia Meghan O’Halloran, BS Social Science; Portland Elizabeth Rose O’Neil, BS Business Administration: Accounting; Corbett Ursula Ona-Thompson, BS Speech Communication; Clackamas A. John Ochsner IV, BS Computer Engineering; Tigard Pamela N. Offor, BS Psychology, Health Education: Community, Sociology Minor; Portland Mayumi Oka, BS Psychology; Hiroshima, Japan Kathleen Frances Olds, BA Economics; Lake Oswego Jonathan L. Oliva, BS Social Science; Bloomington, Minnesota Tami Marie Oliver, BS Social Science; Portland Taylor Ellis Olson, BS Arts and Letters; Seattle, Washington Abdifatah Omar-Nur, BS Business Administration: Information Systems; Portland Miyuki Otsuka, BA International Studies: East Asian; Portland Brian L. Owens, BS Mechanical Engineering; Scio Daniel Robert Pacholí, BS Health Education: Community; Portland Peter Louis Panagakos, BA English; Portland Michael P. Pankretz, BA Foreign Languages: Japanese; Portland Nanhee K. Park, BA Business Administration: Accounting; Portland Elliot Westerfield Parker, BS Sociology, Economics; Federal Way, Washington Julia S. Patriche, BS Speech Communication; Aloha Jared Paul Patten, BA Foreign Languages: Spanish, Physics Minor, Speech Communication Minor; Medford Barbara Price Payne, BS Social Science; Boynton Beach, Florida Erica Elizabeth Peirson, BS Biology; Portland Pamela Adele Perry, BS Speech Communication; Portland Stephanie Eileen Perry, BS Biology; Portland Tuyet Van Nhu Phan, BA Business Administration: Information Systems, International Business Studies Certificate; Portland Meralee Pearl Phillips, BA Political Science; Portland Susie Lin Phongsavanh, BA Business Administration: Finance; Beaverton Maria May Pineda, BS Social Science; Beaverton Bunthieng Pith, BS Business Administration: Information Systems; Salem Anna Katarzyna Pomykala, BS Social Science, Marketing, Advertising Management; Portland Trisia Rose Pond, BA Foreign Languages: Spanish; West Linn Julane Michelle Potter, BA English; Portland 21