SUMMER 2000 CANDIDATES Katherine Amy Karr, BS Art: Graphic Design; Monmouth Christina Joe Kavanaugh, BA English; Vale Asemaneh Kavianian, BS Psychology; Esfahan, Iran Megan Patricia Kelley, BA Arts and Letters; Portland Maida Kelly, BS Economics, Business Administration Minor, History Minor; Portland Shelli R. Kemp, BS Economics; Gresham Pamela Kenley-Meschino, BA English; West Linn Stephen M. Kephart, BS Political Science; Portland Marina S. Kharif, BS Business Administration: Accounting; Portland Jamal Khiri, BS Business Administration: Information Systems, Marketing; Portland Brittni Anne Kilborn, BS Geography, Geology Minor; Portland Davis William Kile, BS Administration of Justice; Friday Harbor, Washington Ellen Hye-Wyun Kim, BS Chemistry: Biochemistry, Foreign Languages: Japanese Minor; Seoul, Korea Julie Sena Kim, BA Foreign Languages: French; Upland, California Pari Ann King, BS Social Science; Lake Oswego Saundra Lee Kitzmiller, BS Speech and Hearing Sciences; Portland Jessica Jane Knight, BS Health Education: Community; Beaverton Scott E. Knutson, BS Political Science; Dayton Roberta Kollmorgan, BS Psychology, English Minor; Portland Akemi Kondo, BA Applied Linguistics, Arts and Letters, Teaching English as a Second Language Certificate; Nagano, Japan Kennon John Konopasek, BA Business Administration: General Management, Human Resources Management; Salem Nathan Adam Kowaleski, BA History, Social Science, Black Studies Certificate; Madras Tomoko Koyama, BA Business Administration: Information Systems; Gifu, Japan Brian Eldin Kragerud, BS Business Administration: Information Systems; Dallas Lissa Marie Kroger, BS Psychology, Business Administration Minor; Beaverton Jill Marie Krymkowski, BA Applied Linguistics; Milwaukee, Wisconsin Angela Kay LaFreniere, BA Psychology; Salem Lawrence A. Landoni, BS Psychology; Portland Ken Lanehome, BS Electrical Engineering; Aloha Felipe G. Lara, BA Arts and Letters, Teaching English as a Second Language Certificate; Vancouver, Washington Clarence Larkins, BS Social Science, Political Science Minor; Portland Heather Noelle Larkins, BS Business Administration: Finance; Portland Jane Susan Larson, BS Social Science; Evanston, Illinois Anthony James Laszlo, BS Business Administration: Information Systems; Gresham Melanie Kongporn Latthitham, BA Art: Graphic Design; Portland Nathalie Aylene Lauw, BS Business Administration: Information Systems; Corvallis Kimberly Jean Lavoie, BS Speech and Hearing Sciences; Troutdale Hung Le, BA Arts and Letters, Foreign Languages: French; Portland Ly Thien Le, BS Science; Portland Patrick Le, BS Computer Science; Portland Thu-Phuong T. Le, BA Business Administration: Accounting; Portland Trevor Thinh Le, BS Business Administration: Information Systems, Finance; Portland David C. Leach, BA English; Portland Elizabeth Ruth Eaton Lee, BA Women’s Studies, Social Science, Psychology Minor; Forest Grove Elizabeth Ann Lee, BS Civil Engineering; Boise, Idaho Kendra J. Lee, Crt Postbaccalaureate Accounting Certificate; Portland Travis Lyons Lee, BS Social Science; Aloha Yonsoo Lee, BS Economics; Clackamas Robin Eileen Lehto, BS Art: Drawing/Painting/Printmaking; Salem Susan Lindsay, Crt Teaching English as a Second Language Certificate; Portland Gareth Elizabeth Lindwall, BA Psychology; Lexington, Massachusetts Tricia Lynne Lingenfelter-Kulisewa, BS Business Administration: General Management; Spokane, Washington Daphne Rene Lisac, BS Science; Mulino Taryn Christine Lockwood, BS Sociology; Aloha Leslie E Logan, BS Child and Family Studies; White Salmon, Washington Miguel G. Lopez, BA Speech Communication; Hood River Jennifer Lynn Loring, BS Child and Family Studies; Alexandria, Virginia Diana Loving, BS Administration of Justice; Portland James Thomas Luworo, BA International Studies: African, Middle East Studies Certificate; Portland Bethany Lin Lyons, BS Administration of Justice; Buffalo, New York Terrianne Lea MacEllven, BS Psychology; St. Helens Heather Marie Mack, BS Science; Oregon City Sheri Lynn Mack, BS Biology; Corbett Bethany Ann Macomber, BS Sociology; Portland Andrea Casey Madden, BS Liberal Studies; Medford Zach Langston Majors, III, BS Speech Communication; Dallas, Texas Michael P. Malusevic, BS Business Administration: Accounting; Aloha Krishnaveni Mamidi, BA Business Administration: Information Systems; Hillsboro Diana Lynne Mandel, BA Speech Communication, Arts and Letters; Huntington, New York Mekmany Anna Maniphan, BS Business Administration: Marketing, General Management; Aloha Beth Marie Marcum, BS Social Science, Administration of Justice Minor; Silverton Leah Celeste Martin, BS Health Education: Health and Fitness Promotion; Tacoma, Washington Timothy F. Martin, Crt Postbaccalaureate Accounting Certificate; Portland Dawn Christy Marzolf, BA Business Administration: Marketing; Portland Hiroshi Masuzawa, BS Business Administration: Information Systems, General Management; Beaverton Scott C. Matulich, BS Business Administration: Finance; Portland Shannon Lynn McArthur, BS Political Science; Portland Michael Scott McDaniel, BA Geography, Foreign Languages: French Minor; McMinnville Tina Marie McGanty, BS Sociology, Social Science; Newberg Matthew James McGuire, BS Business Administration: Information Systems; Portland Mamie Linn McKee-Ahlmer, BS Speech and Hearing Sciences; Oakley, Utah 20