Congressional Welcome THE HONORABLE DAVID WU “My fundamental faith is that the American Dream doesn’t just survive, it thrives and should be shared. Ordinary people can do extraordinary things, and must, if we are to keep our democracy strong and pass it on-even better than we found it-to those who follow.” These words of Congressman David Wu reflect his vision for America’s future and his personal commitment to public service. Congressman Wu is living proof that the American dream lives on and thrives. He came to the United States from Taiwan after President John F. Kennedy signed an executive order easing unfair immigration quotas. Congressman Wu earned a bachelor of science degree from Stanford University, attended Harvard Medical School, and received a law degree from Yale University in 1982. Congressman Wu was elected to represent the First Congressional District (which includes Portland State University) in 1998, and in his first term he has made investment in education his top priority. Among his efforts was helping secure $500,000 for PSU’s Millar Library to update technology-based resources and reference materials. Congressman Wu is fighting to reduce class size in the early grades, to promote economic development through worker training, and to fund federal financial aid programs that provide access to higher education for those with limited economic resources. He is also working to preserve Social Security and protect Oregon’s environment and natural resources. Congressman Wu is the nation’s first Chinese American member of the U.S. House of Representatives. He serves as vice chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific Caucus, and is a member of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce and the House Committee on Science. 8